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The flower that smiles today Tomorrow dies;

All that we wish to say Tempts and then flies. What is this world’s delight? Lightning that mocks the night. Brief even as bright. Virtue, how frail it is! Friendship how rare!

Love, how it sells poor bliss For proud despair!

But we,though soon they fall, Survive their joy, and all Which ours we call.

Whilst skies are blue and bright, Whilst flowers are gay,

Whilst eyes that change ere night Make glad the day;

Whilst yet the calm hours creep Dream thou and from thy sleep Then wake up to weep.

译文: 今天微笑的花朵 明日它便死去; 我们但愿留驻的 诱惑之后飞去。 人世间快乐究为何物? 恰如闪电嘲笑黑夜, 光亮一片,转瞬消逝。 美德何其脆弱! 友谊何其稀有! 爱情以不足道的幸福 轻易换取高傲的绝望! 它们很快跌落,而我们

活下去,再没有它们带来的欢乐, 没有我们称为“我们的”一切。 注解:

Percy Bysshe Shelley1792---1822

作为诗人,雪莱的态度是积极的,进取的,战斗的,但同时他也是愤世的,孤独的,苦闷的,时而表现出消极的.方向。这首诗题为“无常”,不免会另人伤感,想到的是好景不长。诗人也确实将着一氛围渲染到无以复加的地步:花儿瞬息凋谢,快乐如同闪电,希望留下的留不住,美德无比脆弱,知音到处难觅,人们差不多失去一切,只能为现实哭泣,唯一能做的是在梦中寻找到片刻的愉悦。憧憬和向往被现实无情地粉碎后,剩下的是不可名状的凄婉和惆怅。 练习:翻译句子

Whilst skies are blue and bright, Whilst flowers are gay,

Whilst eyes that change ere night
