
时间:2022-08-09 13:01:24 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


简单英语面试对话() 情景对话1

A.Thank you for your interest in this position.Why do you consider yourself qualified for this job?


B.I speak fairly good English and I enjoy meeting different kinds of peopleso I think I could handle the work of a receptionist. 我能说流利的英语,而且我喜欢接触不同的人,所以我认为我能胜任接待员一职。 情景对话2

A.Why did you choose to come here for a job? 你为何选定到此地来谋职?

B.I hope to have a job which offers me an opportunity for advancement.

我希望有一个提供升级机会的工作。 情景对话3

A.What interest you most about this job? 你对这份工作最感兴趣的是什么?

B.I like to work in a team and enjoy solving problems together. 我喜欢和一班人一起工作及解决问题。 情景对话4

A.What do you think you would bring to the job? 你认为你将能为这份工作带来什么?

B0.I have the educational background and relevant eperience required by the job.BesidesI am a very good team player and have the desire to make a thorough success.

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B1.I know that you do a very big international businessso I thought it would be a good place for me to make use of the eperience I have had abroad.

我知道贵公司在国际贸易方面生意做得很大,所以我想这里会是运用我在国外取得的经验的好地方。 情景对话5

A.Why should I hire you? 我为什么要聘请你?

B0.My educational background and professional eperience make me qualified for the job.


B1.My business eperience in Chinamainly.I know a lot abut how the Chinese market works and how business is done there. 大概是我在中国大陆贸易的经验。我对中国贸易有相当深的认识,并了解在大陆应如何经商。 情景对话6

A.Why did you choose this corperation? 你为什么选择本公司?

B.My past work eperience is closely related to this job.I am confident of doing the job well.Therefore I am desirous to get this position.

我过去的经验同这项工作密切相关,我有把握把这项工作做好,因此,我想得到这份工作。 情景对话7

A.What do you consider important when looking for a job? 你选择工作时主要的考虑是什么?

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B.I think the most important thing is the nature of the job. One should never do anything one is not Interested in. 我认为工作的性质最重要,千万不要做你没有兴趣的工作。 简单英语面试对话()

Q:What particular aspect of the company interests you most. A:Iam most interested in your Latin American developments.My father was an army officerso we lived for three years in Latin America.I know youhave just entered joint ventures with two processing companies there.What are your plans for the net few years.



Q:What classes did you like best back in school?

A:Statistics, accounting and calculus were my favorite subjects because I am good at crunching numbers. 问:在学校你最喜欢哪门课?

答:统计,会计与微积分是我最喜爱的科目,因为我很好的数学天分。 Q:Describe your personal comprehensive ability?

A: It is important to take everyone is opinion into account and give them theopportunity to ecel. My role, as I see it, is organise and get things in order 问:说一下你的个人综合能力


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