牛津译林版九年级英语下册Unit3 Robots Grammar2学案 - 副本

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Unit 3 Grammar 2 主核

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1. 复习so that引导的结果状语从句与tootoenough to之间的转换。 2. so that 引导的目的状语从句与in order to 之间的转换。




Lead-in (导入部分)

Review the adverbial clauses expressing the results or

Make some purpose.

sentences. We'll sit nearer the front so that we can hear better.

You must speak louder so that /in order that you can be heard

by all.

【板书课题】Unit3 Grammar2


1. 复习so that引导的结果状语从句与tooto

enough to之间的转换。 Understand the 2. so that 引导的目的状语从句与in order to 之间的转studying aims. 换。 【自学指导】

Step Presentation

1. Make some sentences with adverbial clauses.

I was so forgetful that I didnt lock the door last night.

The robot was so careful that it reminded me of this.

I was so weak that I couldnt go up and down the stairs

Work in groups and often.

some The robot was so kind that it bought me everything I make

sentences. needed.

Sometimes I took a walk with it so that I could have a

better sleep.

2. We can also use to-infinitives to replace some adverbial clauses expressing results or purpose. I was too forgetful to lock the door last night. The robot was careful enough to remind me of this. I was too weak to go up and down the stairs often. The robot was kind enough to buy me everything I needed.

Sometimes I took a walk with it in order to have a better sleep. Step Practice(操练) Finish off the Today weve learned how to use to-infinitives to replace exercises alone and some adverbial clauses expressing results or purpose. Lets do check the answers.

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some exercises to consolidate. 【堂清知识】


l. Food will be in the form of__________ (药丸)if we live on Mars.

2. It's said a famous Korean film star will come to our town,

but I'm u about that.

3. My grandma is about 80 years old, so she is__________


4. The old lady broke her leg when she climbed. The___________(楼梯).

5. He found his flat was in a__________(完全的)mess. 【当堂检测】 单项选择

( ) 1.-Have you decided_________ to Xi'an?

-Yes. I'll go there by train. It's much cheaper than by plane.

A. when to go B. how to go C. where to go D. whom to go

( ) 2. They were _______busy_______ with each other

_______the time.

A. too, talking; to forget B. so; talking; that they forgot

C. so; to talk; that they forgot D. too; t..o talk; to forget

( ) 3. Did you know __________?

A .what in the bag was B. what is in the bag C. what in the bag is D. what was in the bag ( ) 4. -Must I finish my composition right now?

-No, you ________ . You can hand it in tomorrow. A. can't B. mustn't C. might not D. needn't ( ) 5. For a time his grandmother found _______ hard to

accept his new idea.

A. it's B. that was C. it D. that


speak stay leave mean catch

1. The singer, together with her family,________ for Paris, so there's nobody in her home now.

2. It's cold today. Put on more clothes, or you________ a cold.

3. His parents__________ in Beijing for two weeks last year. 4. Who _________ at the meeting now? His voice is so exciting.

5. No news often___________ good news. 同义句转换。

1. The rain is so heavy that we have to stay at home.

_________ _________ the heavy rain, we have to stay at home.

Finish off exercises alone then check answers.

Finish off exercises alone then check answers.

the and the

the and the

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2. He was so busy that he couldn't have time for his hobbies He was_________ busy________ have time for his hobbies.

3. He bought a robot so that he could have more time to relax. He bought a robot_________ _________ ________ have more time to relax.

4. I don't know what I should do to help this poor little girl. I don't know_________ ________ do to help this poor little girl.

5. I feel it comfortable to live with a smart robot.

I feel ________ _________ comfortable to live with a smart robot.根据中文释义完成句子。

1.请向我解释一下你昨晚为什么没有锁门。 Please explain to me_________________________________ 2. Jim没有说我们下周是否举行足球比赛。

Jim didn't say__________________________________ 3.这个机器人足够聪明,能帮王先生做大量的事情。

This robot is__________________________ to help Mr Wang do a lot of things.




2.忙于各种家务活______________________ 3.服用药丸______________________ 4.和新的一样好______________________ 5.在我的日常生活中_________________

6. go on a business trip___________________ 7.no longer______________________ 8. have a serious heart problem

9.find my breakfast ready_______________ 10. remind me of this____________________



Most of the students can use the grammar well. 失:

A few students cant use it well. 改:

Do more exercises after class.



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