茶文化的起源英文版 唐代茶圣陆羽的茶经在历史上吹响了中华茶文化的号角。茶文化有什么起源?下面是店铺精心为你整理的茶文化的起源英文版,一起来看看。 茶文化的起源英文版 【tea Origin】 "Our country will start drinking, everyone is made, today. But in general can be started in the Han, while prevalent in the Tang. Tang before tea, Lu Yu," Tea "Volume under the" six-drink tea, "Overview for Introduction of, said: "tea for the drink, the Shennong even hear the Duke of Zhou in Lu, Qi has yan yingHan has Yangxiong, Sima Xiang-ru, Wu has韦曜Jin Liu Kun has, Zhang Zai, far zu na, Xie, Zuo Si's followers are drinking behavior. "But the number of non-historical facts. Longitudinal are facts, non-additive representations, would not be easy to specify." Tea, "goes: Shennong" eat by "" Tea Tea久服effectively Yuet-chi "(Liu Yuan-long" History of Tea "in Volume I). Lu Yu, "Tea" at Shennong that tea, but "eat by" as the pseudo-books, known to all, as far as insufficient. "Mailyard" yes "bitter tea," the sentence, the Bank of "Yi" as the Duke of Zhou at works , Samuel thought that since the Duke of Zhou until tea, I wonder what "Mailyard" non-making in the Duke of Zhou. insufficient evidence of drinking initiation. The benefits of drinking tea in many countries the World Health Organization to investigate the merits of the drink, in the end, think: Tea for the best drink in the elderly. According to the scientific determination, tea contains protein, fat, more than 10 kinds of vitamins, as well as tea polyphenols, caffeine, and lipopolysaccharide, such as near 300 kinds of ingredients, with regulation of physiological functions and play a wide range of health and pharmacological effects. 【茶的起源】 “我国何时开始饮茶,人人言殊,莫衷一是。唯大体上可谓开始于汉,而盛行于唐。唐以前饮茶,陆羽《茶经》卷下《六茶之饮》概为言之,谓:“茶之为饮,发乎神农氏,闻于鲁周公,齐有晏婴,汉有扬雄、司马相如,吴有韦曜,晋有刘琨、张载、远祖纳、谢安、左思之徒,皆饮焉。”但多非史实。纵是史实,非加申述,亦不易明。《茶经》云:神农《食经》“茶茗久服,有力悦志”(刘源长《茶史》卷一)。陆羽《茶经》以为饮茶起于神农氏,然《食经》为伪书,尽人皆知,不足为据。《尔雅》有“苦荼”之句,世以《尔雅》为周公时作品,谬以为饮茶自周公始,不知《尔雅》非作于周公。不足为饮茶起始之证。 喝茶的好处-----世界卫生组织调查了许多国家的饮料优劣情况,最终认为:茶为中老年人的最佳饮料。据科学测定,茶叶含有蛋白质、脂肪、10多种维生素,还有茶多酚、咖啡碱、和脂多糖等近300种成分,具有调节生理功能,发挥多方面的保健和药理作用。 茶文化概况 茶文化产生之初是由儒家积极入世的思想开始的。两晋北朝时,一些有眼光的政治家便提出"以茶养廉",以对抗当时的奢侈之风。魏晋以来,天下骚乱,文人无以匡世,渐兴清淡之风。这些人终日高谈阔论,必有助兴之物,于是多兴饮宴,所以最初的清淡家多酒徒。如:竹林七贤。后来清淡之风发展到一般文人,但能豪饮终日不醉的毕竟是少数,而茶则可长饮且始终保持清醒,于是清淡家们就转向好茶。所以后期出现了许多茶人。 在我国的唐朝时期,疆域广阔,注重对外交往。长安是当时的政治、文化中心,中国茶文化正是在这种大气候下形成的。茶文化的形成还与当时佛教的发展,科举制度,诗风大盛,贡茶的兴起,禁酒有关。唐朝陆羽自成一套的茶学、茶艺、茶道思想,及其所著《茶经》,是一个划时代的标志。《茶经》非仅述茶,而是把诸家精华及诗人的气质和艺术思想渗透其中,奠定了中国茶文化的理论基础。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/77404b20a5c30c22590102020740be1e650ecc2c.html