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手机的英文一般用: mobile phone cellphone

现在多用智能手机,英文就是: smartphone 使用手机常用英语 打电话:make a call 接电话:answer a call I need to make a quick call. 我要快速打个电话。

Excuse me, I need to answer a call. 失陪一下,我得接个电话。 通话中有其他电话进来:

Sorry, give me a second. I’ve got a call waiting. 抱歉,稍等一下,我有个电话打进来。 发信息:text a message 或:send a (text) message

I’ll message/text you when I get home. 我一回到家就给你发短信。

Did you get the message I sent you this morning? 你收到我今天早上发给你的短信了吗? 信号不好:

The signal is weak here 这儿信号很差。

There’s no signal in the elevator. 电梯里没有信号。

Sorry, I have a bad line. 不好意思,我这边的信号很差。 手机没电:

My cellphone is running out of battery. 我手机没电了。 My phone is dying. 我手机没电了。 My battery is low. 我手机没电了。 My phone is dead. 我手机关机了。 想充电:

I was wondering if I could charge my cellphone here. 我想问下是否可以在这里充电。

I forgot to bring my charger. Can I use yours? 我忘了带充电器,能用你的吗? 手机欠费了:

My cellphone charge is overdue. 我手机欠费了。

I need to transfer/put money into my account. 我要充值。 调整手机模式:

You’d better set your cellphone to vibrate mode. 你最好把手机调到震动模式。

Please switch your cellphone to silent mode. 请把手机调至静音模式。

