(1) Captain John Smith: the first American writer A Description of New England 《新英格兰叙事》 (2) William Bradford 布拉德福德: Of Plymouth Plantation Records 《普利茅斯种植园史》 (3) John Winthrop 温斯罗普: A Model of Christian Charity 《基督慈善的模式》 (4) Anne Bradstreet(安妮·布拉德斯特里特):Contemplations《沉思录》In Reference to Her Children写给她的孩子 Upon the Burning of Our House家居被焚之后 The Flesh and the Spirit 灵魂与肉体 To My Dear and Loving Husband 给我挚爱的丈夫An Weary Pilgrim疲倦的朝圣者The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America《最近在北美出现的第十位缪斯》 5) Edward Taylor 泰勒: poem ―Huswifery‖《家务》Upon a Spider Catching a Fly蜘蛛捕捉苍蝇之遐想 6)Roger Williams:异教徒―The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience‖《血腥的迫害教义》 (7)John Woolman(伍尔夫): Some Considerations on the Keeping of Negroes 《蓄奴的思索》 A Plea for the Poor《为穷人请愿》 Journal《日记》: recording his spiritual experiences of inward communication with God Thomas Jefferson The Declaration of Independence独立宣言 (8) Thomas Paine(潘恩):Common Sense 《常识》American Crisis《美国危机》The Rights of Man《人权论》, The Age of Reason《理性时代》 (9)Philip Freneau (佛瑞诺)(1752-1832)the most important poet in the 18th century. He was entitled ―Father of American Poetry‖. He wrote lots of poems supporting American Revolution and human liberty. His poems presented Romantic spirits but his form was mainly influenced by Classicism. Most famous poems: ―The Indian Burying Ground‖《印第安人墓地》 and ―The Wild Honey Suckle‖《野地里的忍冬》 (10)Charles Brockden Brown Wieland the first American novel Major writers in the post- Revolutionary Period Jonathan Edwards: religious idealism (理想的宗教信仰) (1) The Freedom of the Will《论意志自由》(2) The Great Doctrine of Original Sin Defended 《论原罪》(3) The Nature of True Virtue《论真实德行的本原》 Benjamin Franklin(1706—1790)levelheaded common sense(明智冷静的判断力) : Autobiography 自传 The Romantic Period (1783—1861) The Sketches Book --- Leaves of Grass Poor Richard's Almanack 格言历书 Washington Irving (华盛顿·欧文) History of New York from the beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty «纽约外史» The Sketch Book «见闻札记» ―Rip Van Winkle‖瑞普凡温可尔―The Legend of Sleepy Hollow‖睡谷的传说 A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada «攻克格拉纳达» The History of the Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus «哥伦布的生平和航行史» The Alhambra «阿尔罕伯拉»(he gathered material for these books in Spain) Life of Oliver Goldsmith «哥德斯密斯传» Life of Washington «华盛顿传»ames Fennimore Cooper (库珀) ―father of American novelists‖ the creation of the west frontier and its heroes Precaution 《戒备》(1820) The Spy «间谍» ( 1821 ) The Leatherstocking Tales, 《皮袜子故事集》the adventures of the American frontiers Including five novels: (1) The Deerslayer 《杀鹿者》( 1841 ) (2) The Last of the Mohicans ( 1826 )《最后的莫西干人》(3) The Pathfinder 《探路人》( 1840 ) (4) The Pioneers 《拓荒者》( 1823 ) (5) The Prairie 《大草原》( 1827 ) 3.Ralph Waldo Emerson 爱默生 (1803—1882) 1) Nature «论自然» his first book expressing the main principles of Transcendentalism It is regarded as "America's Declaration of Intellectual Independence" 2) The American Scholar «论美国学者» 3) The Divinity School Address «神学院致辞» 4) Poet «诗人»5) Self-Reliance 论自立 4.Henry David Thoreau 梭罗 (1817—1862) 1) Civil Disobedience «论公民之不服从» 2) A Plea for John Brown «为约翰·布朗申辩» 3) A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers «在康科德与梅里马克河上一周» 4) Walden «沃尔登湖» a collection of nature essays ,a great Transcendentalist work, a book about man, what he is, and what he should be and must be, full of ideas expressed to persuade his neighbors out of their complacency Walden瓦尔登湖 5.Nathaniel Hawthorne (霍桑) (1804—1864) Famous as the greatest writer living then in the US Twice-told Tales 《故事新编》Mosses from an Old Manse «古宅青苔» The Scarlet Letter «红字» The House of the Seven Gables《七个尖角阁的房子》 The Blithedale Romance《福谷传奇》 The Marble Faun《大理石雕像》 Short stories: Young Goodman Brown《小伙子古德曼·布朗》 The Minister’s Black Veil《教长的黑面纱》 The Birthmark《胎记》 Herman Melville 梅尔维尔 (1819—1891) 1) Typee«泰皮» 2) Omoo «欧穆» 3) Mardi «玛地» 4) Redburn«雷得本» 5) White Jacket «白外衣» 6) Pierre«皮埃尔» 7) Billy Budd《比利•巴德》(a sign that he had resolved his quarrel with God) 8) Clarel《克拉莱尔》( a poem) Moby-Dick «白鲸»,«莫比•狄克» 7.Walt Whitman 惠特曼 Leaves of Grass 1855, first edition – harsh criticism; warm welcome from Emerson.;1871, 5th edition – receive recognition in England and America.;1881, 7th edition – a reputable publisher;1891-92, the ―deathbed edition‖―Song of Myself‖《自我之歌》―There Was a Child Went Forth‖《有个小孩走过来》―Crossing Brooklyn Ferry‖《过布鲁克林渡口》―Democratic Vistas‖《民主的前景》―Passage to India‖《向印度行进》―Proud Music of the Storm‖《骄傲的风暴之音乐》―Out of the Cradle Endlessly Rocking‖《走出永不休止地摇动着的摇篮》―When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom’d‖《当紫丁香上次在庭院开放的时候》 8. Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) My life closed twice before its close I heard a fly buzz when I died Mine--by the Right of the White Election Wild Nights—Wild Nights Death is a Dialogue between I like to see it to lap the Miles I died for Beauty– but was scarceBecause I could not stop for Death因为我不能停下来等待死神 Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)He was the first author in American literature to make the neurotic the heroic figure. He is father of many things, one of which is psychoanalytic criticism, the other being the detective story(侦探小说). Tales: ―The Black Cat‖《黑猫》 "The Cask of Amontillado" ―The Fall of the House of Usher‖《厄舍古屋的倒塌》―Ligeia‖《丽基娅》 "The Masque of the Red Death《红色死亡假面舞会》 "The Murders in the Rue Morgue"《莫格街谋杀案》 "The Pit and the Pendulum" "The Purloined Letter" 《被窃的信件》 "The Tell-Tale Heart" Poetry: "Annabel Lee" 《安娜贝尔·李》―Sonnet – To Science" 《十四行诗—致科学》 "The City in the Sea" 《海中的城市》 "The Raven"《乌鸦》―To Helen‖《致海伦》 William Dean Howells The Rise of Silas Lapham《塞拉斯•拉帕姆的发迹》 A Chance Acquaintance 《偶然相遇》 A Modern Instance 《一个现代例证》Criticism and Fiction 《批评与小说》 Henry James (1843—1916) a. 1865~1882: international theme: The American《美国人》Daisy Miller 《黛西米勒》The Portrait of a Lady 《贵妇画像》b. 1882~1895: inter-personal relationships and some plays: The novels and plays were poorly received but he got a better knowledge of literary techniques. c. 1895~1900: novels and tales dealing with childhood and adolescence, then back to international theme The Turn of the Screw《螺丝在拧紧》What Maisie Knew《梅西所知道的》The Ambassadors 《奉使记》The Wings of the Dove 《鸽翼》The Golden Bowl 《金碗》 Theodore DreiserSister Carie嘉莉妹妹 野性的呼唤 Jack LondonThe Call of the WildO. HenryThe Gift of the Magi麦琪的礼物 Mark Twain (1835-1910) The Adventures of Tom Sawyer «汤姆·索耶历险记» The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn «哈克贝里费恩历险记»―The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County‖―卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙‖ The Gilded Age 《镀金时代》 written in collaboration with Charles Dudley Warner Life on the Mississippi 《密西西比河上》A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court 《亚瑟王朝里的康涅狄格州美国佬》 The Man That Corrupted Hardleybug 《败坏了哈德莱堡的人》 The Mysterious Stranger 《神秘的陌生人》 F.Scott FitzgeraldThis Side of Paradisethe Jazz AgeThe Great Gatsby Tender is the Night 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7b8d5a2659fafab069dc5022aaea998fcc22408d.html