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CET 4 Writing

Big Day

Dec. 22nd. 9:00-11:20

Full score:

100 (original score)710 (standard score)

Pass line:

60 (orig. sc.), 425 (std. sc.)


9:10-9:40 Writing (15 points, 30 minutes)

9:35 handing out Question Sheet for Speed Reading 9:40-9:55 Speed Reading (10 points, 15 minutes)

9:55 handing in Answer Sheet 1 (writing and speed reading)

10:00-10:35 Listening (35 points)


Comprehensive Reading (25 points),

Cloze (10 points) and Translation (5 points) 11:20 handing in Answer Sheet 2

Oral English exam:

If your final score on Dec. 22nd is more than 550, you are qualified to take part in the CET 4

Oral English Exam in Next May.



1. Word limit: about 120 words.

2. Genre: an essay based on a fixed outline, with your viewpoint/ comments, and facts/


3. Assessment: see the evaluation form

4. Suggestion for you: to focus on updated news and hot topics, and to have a critical mind.


14——切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺、连贯。基本无语言错误,但有个别小错误。 11——切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语言错误。




2——条理不清,思路混乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子有错误,且多数为严重错误。 0——白卷、作文与题目毫不相关、或只有几个孤立的词二无法表达思想。



1. 题目中给出主题句,起始句,结束句,均不得计入所写字数。 2. 题目要求写三段的作文,只写一段得0-4分;只写两段得0-9.


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an announcement to

welcome students to join a club. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:

1)社团活动的主要内容; 2)参加社团活动的好处; 3)如何加入社团;

5分作文 Dear friends, we want to increase our English club, we hope more students to take part in. if you take part in our club, you will have many goods. First, you will raise English very soon. Second, you can have chances to talking with foreigners, too. Third, you can study many foreign knowledges. Forth, make many foreign friends. And so on.(内容不符) Our club is a very wonderful club. If you take part in, you will like it very much. If you not, I think you must regret. So come to us now. we are waiting for you all the time!(空洞)

The way of taking part in is very simple: telephone. Our telephone number is 62514479.

8分作文 Welcome to our English club! We prepare many wonderful activities for you. We have English corners every weekend. And we prepare two English films every week. Sometimes we invite experts to give speech (speeches) for (to) you. And we also prepare parties or debates sometimes.

You will get many interests by joining our club. First, you can rise (raise) your English level greatly. Second, you can study (learn) more foreign knowledge and broaden your views. Third, you can make many new friends and make your college life more colorful (your college life will become more colorful).

If you are interested in English learning, I hope you come to join us soon. You can call us or send email to us. Our telephone number is 62514479, and our email address is engishclub@hotmail.com. You are looked forward to join (We are looking forward to your joining)!

11分作文 Welcome to our English club! We prepare many wonderful activities for you. We have English corners every weekend for you to practice your oral English. [1] And every Wednesday you can have the opportunity to watch two English films. [连接词] In addition, [2]sometimes

English experts will be invited to give lectures. [连接词] Besides, [3]we often organize debates, parties and other gatherings.

You will get many benefits from joining our club. [连接词] At first, you can improve your English level (ability) greatly. [连接词] Moreover, you can learn more foreign cultures [4] by communicating with others and consulting experts. [连接词] In addition, you can make many new friends and your college life will be made more colorful.

If you are interested in English learning, [6] come to join us soon. [7]You can call us at 62514479, or email us at englishclub@hotmail.com. Looking forward to you (your) joining!

14分作文 Welcome to our English club! It is sponsored by the Student Union and has been set up for three years. Many wonderful activities are organized and arranged in our club. We have English corners every weekend, [1] with some knowledgeable foreign teachers. And every Wednesday you can [2] enjoy two classical English films [3] for free. In addition, experts on English learning and culture will be invited to give lectures [4] on occasion. Besides, we often organize debates, parties and other gatherings to provide chances for you to exchange ideas.

[5] All these activities are [6] quite beneficial to both your study and life. [7] Not only can they help you improve your English, but also enrich your college life greatly. Moreover, by communicating with others and consulting experts, you can learn more foreign cultures and broaden your views. [8] And of course, here you can make many new friends.

Anyone who is interested in English learning is welcomed warmly. [9] What you need do is [10] just call us at 62514479, or email us at engishclub@hotmail.com. Looking forward to your becoming one of us soon!



内容切题,结构完整; 8分) 表达清楚;语法正确; 11分) 句式多变,文字流畅。 14分)


把句子写对:完整、一致、简洁 把句子写长:扩充、解释


主语(S+ 谓语(Vi

主语(S+ 谓语(Vt+ 宾语(O

主语(S+ 谓语(Vt+ 宾语(O2+宾语(O1 主语(S+ 谓语(Vt+ 宾语(O+ 宾补(OC 主语(S+ 系动词(LV+ 表语(SC


Learning a foreign language is a good way to widen students‘ eye-vision.

Our responsibility is conserving historic relics and heritage. I am looking forward to meeting you soon in my hometown.

When you get insomnia, sleeping pills are the best choice for you.

It is harmful for small children to have to shoulder the burden of the much school work. Would you allow me to have a chance to discuss this thorny matter with you? The government‘s obligation is to improve people‘s living standard.

形容词性从句 定语从句

Sentence Correction

1. We have time to communicate. We have chances to show our love directly by talking. (


2. For a healthy person, the ration... (对比:As a healthy person, you will do sports

regularly.); diabetes melitus->diabetes mellitus

3. To sum up briefly, we have to keep the balance between sports and life. 4. Taking exercise can promote positive blood flow.

5. In addition, doing more exercise can be more relaxing. 6. On the contrary, sports also have some negative aspects. 7. You must do exercise regularly.

8. He sent me to the driving school from eight o'clock in the morning and did not pick me up

until half past nine in the evening.

9. Firstly, parents should let his child make decisions by himself. 10. Sports can also strengthen people's body, heart and muscles. 11. What‗s more, they have sports for entertainment.

12. At the same time, excess exercise will cause iron loss which does harm to our health. 13. There are still some parents who are not independent enough. They have to rely on

their friends to make good decisions.

14. This is the love story which happened between my mother and I. 15. With the different love stories revealed in your mind, you will be.... 16. They may live together for responsibility.

17. I don't know whether my parents are still in love with each other or not. 18. 过于陈旧。

19. As we all know, exercising is needed in our life.

20. It will hurt people's health, for example, muscles may be pulled and iron may run

off in bodies.

21. I will hurt people's health, for example, muscles may be pulled and iron may run


22. As we know, sports have both positive and negative effects. 23. Sports can help burn some extra fats to keep one's good shape.

24. Spolrts promote hemokinesis, which will be in favor of staying healthy.

25. My dad is a humorous and optimistic person. He is my friend at the same time. 26. My sister is just like my mum.

27. We always go shopping and have a haircut together. 28. For a child, mom's cooking is ...

29. As we all know, sports play an important role in our daily life.

30. Only if parents release their children can they realize how to help children to be


31. Doing sports regularly makes us feel good.

32. So it is not easy for us to concentrate on our work and study. 33. Sometimes, sports will make us lose iron.

34. As everyone knows, sports have two aspects. One is the positive aspect, and the other

is the negative aspect. (空洞)

35. There must be many people who consider that sport is good for people's health, and

all its effects are positive.

36. People in cities lack exercising and their bodies are weak. 37. Overmuch exercise will easily lead to being overtired.

38. It is known to all of us that doing some sports could strengthen our body, improve

the immune system or even promote the circulation of blood.

39. On the positive side, enough sports can make our body stronger and keep us healthy. 40. Moderate exercise shows evidence of iron loss.

41. Nowadays more and more people like sports, because most of them know sports are

beneficial for our body and society gradually advocates a nationwide exercise. 42. Doing some sports is the healthy and efficient way to keep fit.

43. Sports need much oxygen into the body, which can accelerate the circulation of the


44. We cannot talk about it without the negative aspect.


1. 弄清词性。

2. 每一个完整的句子以句号―.‖结尾。在句号内的这一完整的句子中,必须有且只有一

个谓语动词;若有多个动词,1)多个谓语动词用连词连接,2)需保留一个动词作为谓语动词,其他动词变v-ing或者v-ed非谓语形式,或以从句形式出现。 3. 句与句之间不可用逗号连接。 4. 弄清楚时态,时态一致。 5. 人称一致。

At that time, even his wife had cried, but he didn't give up. 时态:应用过去时



根据题材分类,校园生活8,读书学习4,日常生活5,社会热点6 根据体裁分类:应用文7 说明文6,议论文7,记叙文3

根据写作类型:现象解释7,信函3,演说辞3,记叙文3, 观点论证2,海报2,对比


Review: Writing Techniques

1. cause and effect 2. a topic + details

3. a general point + examples

4. situation-problem-solution-result /evaluation 5. comparison and contrast

6. a general opinion + denial of the opinion +another opinion


1. Cause and Effect topic-cause-effect

e.g. My experience with a foreign language began in junior middle school, when I took my first English class. I had a kind and patient teacher who often praised all of the students. Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, and never worried much about making mistakes. I was at the top of my class for two years.

2. A Topic + Details

e.g. Shanghai is very busy and overcrowded. There is a continuous noise of traffic in all the main streets. The traffic never seems to stop, even during the night. People always seem to be in a hurry. They appear to do everything in a rush, with an eye on the clock, as if they had only a short time to live. The noise and rush is tiring, but you soon get used to it.

3. A General Point Supported by Examples

e.g. I now know he participated in some things through me, his only son. When I played ball, he "played" too. When I joined the Navy, he "joined" too. And when I came home on leave, he saw to it that I visited his office.

4. Situation-problem-solution-result-evaluation

e.g. It has been reported that more than 750,000 cases of AIDS have been diagnosed in the US since 1981. To win the war against AIDS, many organizations have been trying to hand out books of how to protect you against being affected with AIDS. However, this method proves to be of little effect. Many people are of low literacy and it is impossible for them to read and understand these books. To solve this problem, people in some communities ask some volunteers to draw low-literacy AIDS education publication. These picture books use simple, hand-drawn pictures of "sad faces" and "happy faces" to illustrate ways people can prevent AIDS. As a result, such books actually have more effect in the communities, as people of low literacy can understand the hand-drawn picture.

5. Comparison and Contrast

Recently the Ministry of Education decided that universities should allow students to rent flats out of campus, and this deprives universities of the right to force students to live on campus. As for this issue, students and teachers hold different opinions. Some believe that students, who are

already adults, should have to right to decide to stay. In contrast/ However/ Nevertheless/ But others disagree, and they believe that living off campus will distract students from their study.

6. a general opinion + denial of the opinion +another opinion

e.g. Some people think that online learning would make learning easier for everyone as we can learn at any time and at any place. But when I started online learning I found it not as easy as others think I would say that online learning is just a convenient way to receive education--not an easier way. In fact, many students say it requires much time and effort. Requirements for online courses are not less than those of any quality program.

Writing Steps

参加英语写作考试, 写作的步骤与平常的作文步骤有所不同, 在考试过程中, 由于时间

和其他客观条件的限制, 短文写作的步骤要比平常的写作步骤简化得多。 在正常情况下, 写作一般按照以下几个步骤进行:

1. 确定主题; 2. 收集材料; 3. 列出提纲; 4. 运用写作技巧扩展文章; 5. 修改定


参加写作考试时, 由于客观条件的限制以及试题的具体要求, 写作步骤可以简化为: 1. 审题; 2. 构思; 3.组织文章; 4. 修改定稿。


在考试中, 由于时间紧, 考生心理紧张, 再加上平时练习不够, 考生很容易在写作中出

现一些简单的, 不应该出现的语言错误, 因此考生在写完作文后, 应尽量抽出时间全面检查是否有语言错误, 例如: 1) 主谓语是否一致; 2) 动词时态是否有误;

3) 名词的单、复数是否有错;

4) 有些表达是否属于汉语式英语 5) 词序安排是否得当; 6) 有没有不完整的句子; 7) 拼写是否有错;

8) 标点符号以及大小写是否有错。

值得一提的是, 修改定稿阶段, 应特别检查短文是否使用了自己没有把握的词、句及句

子结构, 是否有的词、句是自己从中文里硬译过来的, 如果有的话, 应尽量换用地道的英语表达方法或避免使用它们。




A letter to the University Newspaper on Changing Teaching System

June, 20th

Dear Sirs,

I’m sending you this letter to offer my opinions regarding whether we should change traditionally unitary teaching system into a tri-dimensional one, which has recently become a heated issue.

In my view, both traditional teaching and tri-dimensional one have their advantages and disadvantages. While traditional teaching does have such limit as restricting students’ vision, it offers a face-to-face communication between teachers and students that no other teaching can provide. Similarly, while tri-dimensional teaching offers a more convenient way of studying, it will somehow make students more passive simply because they have no opportunity to speak out.

Personally I think it would be better to integrate these two teaching methods so as to fully utilize their advantages and avoid their disadvantages.

Best regards.

Yours sincerely, Jay



A letter of declining a job offer 1、对公司提供的职位表示感谢

2、解释为何不能接受提供职位的原因 3,希望予以谅解,并表达公司良好的祝愿

A Letter of Declining a Job Offer

June, 20th

Dear Managers,

I am very grateful for you to give me a job in your company. Thinking about the good opportunity you offer to me, I am really moved. Please allow me extend my heart-felt thanks for all your kindness and consideration.

However , I can not accept the job you offer to me. There are at least three personal reasons for this. First, I can not make full use of my major which I learned at college, though you pay much attention to me. Second, I have a habit to challenge myself. If a job seems to lose the meaning of challenge, I will have to quit and find a challenging one for me. Third, I am not used to working in the same place for a long time. I want to have more working experiences and know a lot of different people. Therefore, I can not accept your offer.

Above all, I also want to express my deep appreciation of your understanding of my decision. I

think there are other qualified people who you should give a chance. I believe your company will become a more and more competitive company and will become more and more popular because of the smart business strategy. I wish the bright future for your company.

Best wishes for you all!

Yours sincerely, Tom



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled More

Candidates for Civil Servant. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1 现在有越来越多的大学应届毕业生报考公务员,带来了一定的不利因素; 2 列举两到三个不利因素加以论述; 3 你对此有何看法。

Nowadays many college graduates apply for civil servant positions. It is true that the positions are ideal in terms of incomes, employment security and respect from others. However, the increasing number of applicants doesn't necessarily mean a good thing. The fever for civil servant has brought some side effects. The side effects are listed as follows:

Firstly, many students apply for the positions for wrong reasons. Some of them apply just because their friends do it or because their parents want them. Some, instead of aiming at serve the people, have the intention of enjoying the interests and power brought by their future position. Secondly, too many candidates compete for limited positions. Take such hot positions as those in the judicial branch of government for example, it is estimated that one matriculate is selected out of 200 candidates. More worse, with the flow of most talents to such positions, those positions that are important for social welfare but inferior in personal welfare are left uninterested. This should arouse our deep concern.

For my part, college students should be cautious when deciding whether to apply for the positions. On the one hand, they should not follow others blindly. On the other hand, there are plenty of ways of employment and self-employment, so why crowd on one bus? In a word, the fever should be cooled down.


1. 大学生失业已经成为严重的社会问题 2. 大学生失业的原因

3. 提出自己对待这个现象的看法和认为的解决途径

My Viewpoint on Unemployment of College Graduates

With the policy of expanding recruitment of higher education and fierce competition of

job-hunting market, the unemployment of college graduation is becoming the hot issue of the whole society. The college graduates constantly complain being rejected by some promising company in the job-hunting market. Even most jobs provided in the job-hunting declaredly excluded the graduates, only welcoming the experienced employers. Even worse, entering for the post graduation examination is becoming an approach to escaping the problem of unemployment.

Is that really difficult for college graduates to hunt job? In fact, the answer might be “no” . There are three reasons for unemployment of college graduates. The first one is the deficiency of practical vocational skills and academic knowledge. The second is the inappropriately evaluation of his own value in job market. The third is the actually fierce competition resulting from the policy of expanding recruitment of higher education.

To successfully compete in the job market as a college graduate, you must work hard to master the academic and vocational skills during you college life. Of course, consciously training your practical skills by taking part-time job will be advisable. \


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: The

Post-graduate Craze. You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 1、目前很多人报考研究生。


Each year, millions of college students will sit in for the post-graduate entrance examination. More and more students have regarded the pursuing of a master degree as an indispensable part of their education.

What is to account for their enthusiasm for a post-graduate diploma? First, it is the demand of the time. In an age of knowledge updating and information explosion, what you have learned in college can hardly meet the demand of society. Talents of high quality who are equipped with the latest knowledge and skill will be needed more than ever. That is why many students will further their studies.

Second, we all recognize that the more education you have, the more likely you are to succeed. Compared with those without a master degree, masters will enjoy more preferential treatment, for example, better salaries, more opportunities for promotion and training. A post-graduate degree can guarantee a more promising career.

Last but not least, with the graduation of a large number of college students, competition for jobs becomes more and more fierce. One way to gain some advantage over others is to have a higher degree.

No wonder millions of students will consider pursuing a post-graduate degree.





如:“In a degree, this is because...”我们可以换用:“This is due partially to...” in a degree我们又可以用in some way, to some extent等来表达。这全都要靠平时的用心积累和灵活运用。





另外,要下意识地运用尽可能多的信息词(signal word,又叫过渡词或衔接词),让文章显得更加层次分明,逻辑清晰。 结构

有始有终、首尾照应,是任何一篇好文章的基本标准之一,也是两大评分原则之一。 如果说我们已经给第一段以足够重视的话,那么我们是不是也都意识到了中间段的条理和最后一段的呼应也同样具有不可忽视的地位了呢?




很多同学喜欢想到哪里写到哪里,有时会感觉一下子很多话说,收笔都收不住,而导致一个段落过于冗长啰嗦,跟其他简短的段落对比起来显得突兀臃肿。这也是作文的大忌。 你即便还有话说,也要瞻前顾后,不要全部话都挤到一个段落里,要按照逻辑关系进行分段,并且运用衔接词把段落之间紧密地连接起来。 建议




自己写过百篇而无老师指导,等于在同一地点努力地进行大踏步运动,费力而没有进步。老师的点评,往往能为学生指出问题之所在,起到教师一席话,胜写百篇文的作用。 3最后,我们一定要遵循写作的练习过程,阅读范文模仿写作教师反馈改进提高的步骤,经过一段时间的努力,在练习20篇左右的文章后,就基本能够把四级作文的要点、写作类型和闪光词句成竹于胸了。




