《SCI论文写作与发表》分享 “假如你吃了一个鸡蛋觉得味道还不错,虽然没有必要认识下蛋的母鸡,但你起码要知道这是个鸡蛋,而不是一个人造蛋,这才是对辛苦下蛋的母鸡起码的尊重。”这话是“小道消息by Fenng”(丁香园的一位高管)说的,目前很多公众微信账号憋不出自己的观点,为了维护高产自媒体的样子,到处抄内容,假装那是自己写的一样,这是不尊重那只下蛋的母鸡。首先我承认这是一篇人造蛋,因为我憋不出人家那样营养美味的鸡蛋,所以我坦白从宽,希望得到宽大处理,真正下蛋的母鸡叫张俊东及杨亲正先生,他俩下了个鸡蛋叫《SCI论文写作及发表》,我吃了一下,觉得味道很好,邀请大家一起来品尝。——李莫愁博士 SCI写作中常用于举例的词汇Case例句:For the specific case of carburetors, this model captures phenomena reported in the literature.Like例句:the main reason for the application of heavy ions like carbon in radiotherapy is the enhanced relative biological effectiveness.Especially例句:taken together, these data indicate that agriculture is the major current and likely future threat to bird species, especially in developing world..For example例句:For example, Schleiser et al. considered a theory of canonical-dissipative systems.For instance例句:For instance, the total area of cropland in the developing world has increased by over 20% since 1961, whereas developed world cropland has shrunk.Include例句:High sodium intake predicted the risk of type 2 diabetes, independently of other risk factors including physical inactivity, obesity and hypertension.In particular例句: this study is interested in lung cancer in particular.Particularly例句:taken together, these data indicate that agriculture is the major current and likely future threat to bird species, particularly in developing world..Specifically例句:we made efforts to search for variable stars, specifically, 28 new variable stars were found in the one degree field of NGC7789Such as例句:countries,such as China and India, are playing an increasing role in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical ingredients.以上是这本书精彩内容的一部分,这本书全部内容如下:对于实验室菜鸟而言,这是极好的学习教材,比较全面与实用。《SCI论文写作和发表》我有一份纸质版和一份电子版,大家都不去买正版书籍,也是对下蛋母鸡的不尊重,于是我极度纠结要不要贡献出电子版本。最后我决定为了方便各位小伙伴,就让雷劈死我吧,回复“写作”两字获得下载链接,大家尽可能去买正版(京东有卖),以减少我被雷劈的次数。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7dfb2f53bfd5b9f3f90f76c66137ee06eef94e65.html