19的英文单词怎么写 你知道19的英文单词怎么写吗?一起来学习一下吧! 19的英语单词:nineteen 1. In 1970 the average size of a French farm was 19 hectares. 1970年,法国农场的平均规模为19公顷。 2. Each year, one in 100 girls aged 15-19 takes an overdose. 每年,每100名15至19岁的少女中就有1位嗑药过量。 3. The Georgian, aged 19, is not one of the game's big hitters. 这位19岁的佐治亚州人并不是比赛中的优秀击球手之一。 4. In 1987, McDonald's captured 19 percent of all fast-food sales. 1987年,麦当劳占据了整个快餐业销售额的19%。 5. This will be his eighth title bout in 19 months. 这将是他19个月里的第8次卫冕赛。 6. After 19 May, strikes were occurring on a daily basis. 5月19日之后,每天都会发生罢工。 7. I was 19 and too young to know much about life. 我当时才19岁,太年轻了,不谙世事。 8. He got married to wife Beryl when he was 19. 19岁的时候他同妻子贝丽尔结了婚。 9. He weighed in on Friday night at around 19 stone. 他在周五的晚上称了体重,大约是19英石。 10. The time is now 19 minutes past the hour. 现在的时间是整点过19分。 11. These programmes are each watched by around 19 million viewers every week. 这些电视节目的观众各自都在每周1,900万左右。 12. He joined the Beeb at 19. 他19岁就加入了英国广播公司。 13. Oil prices were closing at $19.76 a barrel. 油价收于每桶19.76美元。 14. France won the match 28-19. 法国队以28比19赢得了这场比赛。 15. Julie and Mark, aged 17 and 19 respectively 朱莉和马克,年龄分别为17岁和19岁 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/7eb419f5561810a6f524ccbff121dd36a32dc488.html