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英语阅读( 1) 模拟试题

Part I (30 points 3 points each) Questions 1-10 are based on Passage 1. Directions ,

Scan passage 1 very quickly and then try to fill in blanks 1-10 with the most appropriate word that can complete the idea of the passage.

Passage 1

To the parents of students who study 1

Dear Parents,

I am pleased to 2 you to the Grand Opening of the new Music Rooms 3 Tuesday, 26 May. The ceremony will begin 4 7. 00 pm.

I am delighted to tell you 5 Professor Mary Bell , the eminent violinist , has kindly agreed to open the 6 Rooms.

7 the Grand Opening, there will be a concert of modern music performed by the School Orchestra.

Please complete the tear-off slip below and 8 it to the School by 12 May. 9 sincerely , Barbara Daly Head Teacher

The grand Opening of the Music Rooms

I/we will/will not be 10 to attend the Grand Opening of the Music Rooms on 26 May.


Part II (30 points , 3 points each) Questions 11-15 are based on Passage 2.

Passage 2

Minimum cost of living offers safety net

THE minimum cost of living system in urban areas , an important part of the social security system,has become the last protective umbrella for laid-off workers in Chinese cities ,according to China Reform News. Excerpts follow: In the past two years , the Chinese government has implemented the program in more than 200 cities. China decided to apply it nationwide by 2000. The people covered by the system are permanent urban residents with a per

capita income below the local minimum cost of living set by local governments. Funding for this will come from local governments.

As China moves along the road of a market economy accentuating

efficiency ,competition inevitably gives rise to joblessness and redundancies. Many unemployed and laid-off workers find it difficult to make ends meet especially old people ,children and the disabled who are unable to get help from their family.

In this regard , the minimum cost of living system can offer timely money and food to people who need it most. It not only represents social advancement in China, but contributes to social stability and progress.

The system is an indispensable part of China' s social security system , now being integrated into a market economy.

The following are answers to some of the questions based on Passage 2. For each one , choose the corrort question from the box below and write it on your answer sheet. 11. Question:

Answer: The minimum cost of living system in urban areas. 12. Question:

Answer: Permanent residents with a per capita income below the local minimum cost of living set by local governments. 13. Question:

Answer: Local governments. 14. Question:

Answer: Competition. 15. Question:

Answer: It not only represents social advancement in China, but contributes to social

stability and progress.

Where will the funding for the programme come from?

What programme has the Chinese government implemented in the past two years? What' s the significance of the programme?

What might be the causes for joblessness and redundancies? What kind of people can be covered by the programme? Queslions 16-20 are based on Passage 3.

Passage 3 Flower market

In recent years many flower shops have appeared. It is common now for people to buy flowers when they go to a gathering , visit a sick friend , or attend a wedding or birthday party. Fresh flowers are also indispensable for other ceremonial occasions.

The Beijing Flower Trade Center at Liangmaqiao is the largest wholesale fresh flower market in the capital ,with a daily volume of between 150 ,000 and 160 ,000 blossoms. Ninety percent of the city' s 500 flower shops obtain their stock there. According to He Xiaotang. manager of the Trade Center' s marketing department , in the past sales volume between National Day( October 1) and October 20 accounted for 20 percent of yearly sales because young people usually had their weddings during this time. Now winter has become the peak season. 1asting from Christmas Day until Spring Festival , including New Year's Day and Valentine' s Day. The proportion of flower sales to individuals keeps increasing.

A decade ago indoor decorations were mainly window papercuts and silk flowers. Later ,washable plastic flowers became available , and today polyester flowers and plants , looking very much like the real thing ,have become popular. Flower

dehydration techniques have also made dried flowers a favorite. All kinds of flowers , both real and artificial , help maintain spring year round for many Chinese.

Read Passage 3 and find a word in the passage, which is opposite to each of the following. The paragraph in which the word appears is indicated in brackets. Write your answers on your answer sheet. 16. healthy (1) 17. decreasing (2) 18. outdoor (3) 19. fresh (3) 20. natural (3)

Part III (20 points , 2 points each) Questions 21- 30 are based on Passage 4.

Passage 4

I learned very soon in our relationship that Kathy was jealous. She did not like to think that I had anything that she did not have. We would have great fun going out shopping. However, if I bought , say, a dress for a party , and she thought my dress was better than hers , she would start to say slightly unkind things about it. I could not understand this at all , and even now it puzzles me.

The other problem was my mother. She thought Kathy was common. She thought Kathy had a bad influence over me. She even disliked Kathy' s way of speaking. She thought her pronunciation was common. Mum disliked Kathy and looked down on her and kept telling me to stop seeing her. If ever I invited her into the house , she would be angry and tell me off as soon as Kathy was gone. Thanks to Kathy I had a wonderful year at the Tech. As a result I looked forward to going out to work. If the Tech could be such fun , so could work! Perhaps I foolishly imagined that wherever I went I would meet another Kathy. But at

the end of that wonderful year two things happened that destroyed our friendship.

The students always celebrated the end of the college year with a fancy-dress dance. It was a big event. But unfortunately, Kathy and I had made other arrangements for the day of the dance. We had booked to go to a theatre. We had talked for ages of going , and at last we had our tickets. For us this was a big event. Then we realised that the students' dance was on the same day. It was a shame. But our hearts were set on the theatre.

Then Kathy came round to see me. Mother was in at the time , and I have to speak to her on the doorstep. 1 told her I couldn't ask her in because my Mum had a bad headache. She smiled and said she was sorry about my mother' s bad head. But I was sure she knew what had really happened.

But she carried on smiling and then she said: "I' m sorry but I can' t come to the theatre with you. My brother' s come home and he wants me to take him to the dance. I can' t let him down. 1 hardly ever see him. And he'd bought the tickets before he told me about it. "

She must have seen that I was disappointed. I couldn't believe she could let me down. She knew how much I had looked forward to the theatre trip. She hardly ever saw her brother. Kathy had often said that her parents were worried about him. and that they were convinced he was getting into trouble.

Before she left. she gave me the theatre ticket saying: "Take your Mum to see the show. I don't want any money for the ticket. "

I was almost in tears. After she had gone. Mum was very kind and understanding. "There aren't many friends you can trust." she said. And she made me promise that I would never see Kathy again. I agreed. and felt that was the least I could do by way of revenge for my disappointment.

Two months later I read in the newspaper that the police had arrested Kathy and her brother for shoplifting. The judge gave them a discharge. on condition that they did not repeat their offence. In other words. they had been found guilty

and warned not to do it agam.

I could not understand how Kathy could have done such a thing. It was so unlike her. I felt intensely sorry for her and longed to tell her so.

The next day. though. I was shopping with my Mum when we both saw her. She looked very unhappy. She seemed to have lost her sparkle.

Kathy stopped to say hello. Mum said "Hello. Kathy. nice to see you!" and smiled politely but carried on walking. I stopped and thought hard and unhappily about what I should say. "Have you got a job yet. Sarah?" I managed to reply "Yes. It' s great. It' s great fun!"

Mum was walking away from me. I wanted to stop and talk - but there was my promise to Mum. There was even that little part of me that still wanted revenge. I hesitated. I knew that my mother was wrong. After all. what's a little shoplifting between friends? But I hesitated a little too long. For Kathy turned away and said ' m glad. "

And she was gone. I had no chance to ask if she too was working. I had no chance to mend our friendship. I caught up with Mum who said "You did well to be like that with her. She' s not your sort. "

It was a long time before I found another friend like Kathy. And to this day I feel guilty about her.

Read passage 4 and then decide whether statements 31-40 翻它true or false. Write T for True and F for False. Write yoanswers against the number of the item on your answer sheet. 21. Kathy was jealous.

22. The writer' s mother dis liked Kathy.

23. The writer and Kathy had been friends since they went to primary school. 24. The writer stayed at the technical college for two years. 25. The writer and Kathy didn't go to the theatre together. 26. The writer didn't let Kathy in because her mother was ill. 27. Kathy and her brother were both put to prison for stealing.

28. The writer knew clearly why Kathy had done the shoplifting. 29. The writer was not sorry at all for losing such a friend as Kathy. 30. The writer' s mother thought she did the right thing to Kathy. Part (20 points , 4 points each) Questions 31-35 are based on Passage 5.

Passage 5 Christmas

Christmas Day , which is the most festive time in the United states , falls on December 25th on which Christian people believe Jesus Christ was born. This is the biggest and best-loved holiday in the United States , which is full of joy and gaiety , love and laughter , hospitality and good wil l.

Americans begin to prepare Christmas long before the actual day. Small families and large business firms prepare the holiday differently. Stores are decorated with the traditional Christmas colors of green and red. Goods associated with Christmas become best sellers at this time. Many Americans take advantage of the time to earn extra money by selling Christmas cards , small gifts and ornaments , etc. The decorating of homes for Christmas is also very common. Most Americans who observe Christmas have a Christmas tree in their homes. People like evergreens and they think that branches of fir will bring good luck and symbolize spring. The Christmas tree is usually covered with strings of colored lights , and a star fixed on top representing the star in the East which guided the three Wise Men to where Jesus was born.

Christmas food is special: bright colored hard sweets , chocolates , clusters of chocolate-covered raisins , walnuts , etc. As for the Christmas dinner, Americans traditionally have turkey or ham, sweet potatoes , vegetables , and Christmas pudding.

Although Christmas is religious in origin , many of the customs and celebrations are no longer religious. Among them, the most popular ones are as follows:

• Exchanging Gifts

This custom originated from the ancient religion of believing that the first Christmas gifts were given by the three Wise Men to the infant Jesus Christ. It has been passed down and become very popular among friends and families in the United States. • Sending Christmas Cards

This custom first started in London in the 19th century. Today, most Americans send greeting cards to their friends and families at Christmas time. Some people who are friends or relatives and live great distances from each other may not be much in contact with each other during the year - but will usually exchange greeting cards and often a Christmas letter. • Receiving Gifts from Santa Claus

Santa Claus is believed by American children to be a fat jolly old man with a red suit ,red hat and a long white beard. On Christmas Eve Santa Claus comes down through the chimney to bring them gifts. So young children are happiest at this time of the year and look forward eagerly to Christmas morning when they find the gifts they want. Direc tions ,

Read the passage in Passage 5 carefully and then try to give short answers to the following

questions. (20 points , 4 points each)

31. Why is December 25 th a very important day for Christians? 32. When do Americans start to prepare Christmas? 33. Why do businessmen like Christmas?

34. Why do families have a Christmas tree in their homes?

35. What are the most popular customs and celebrations at Christmas?
