
时间:2024-03-05 01:00:31 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1. 狐狸与葡萄 (The Fox and the Grapes)


英文版:A fox wanted to eat some grapes from a vineyard, but they were too high for her to reach. So, she had to leave. But she told herself that the grapes were sour anyway because she couldn't reach them.

2. 乌鸦和狐狸 (The Crow and the Fox)


英文版:A clever fox saw a crow holding a piece of cheese. The fox praised the crow for her beautiful feathers and asked her to sing a song as a thank you. As the crow opened her mouth to sing, her cheese fell to the ground and was taken by the fox.

3. 老实农夫与海鸥 (The Honest Farmer and the Seagull)


英文版:An honest farmer found an injured seagull and took care of it carefully until it recovered. When the seagull thanked him, the farmer said he did the right thing only following his conscience, without any other motives.

4. 刺猬之友 (The Hedgehog's Friend)


英文版:A hedgehog wanted to make friends, but because he was covered in spines, other animals were afraid to approach him. Eventually, a turtle became his friend because the turtle's shell could protect it from getting hurt by the hedgehog.

