医学生誓言 健康所系;性命相托.. 当我步入神圣医学学府的时刻;谨庄严宣誓: 我志愿献身医学;热爱祖国;忠于人民;恪守医德;尊师守纪;刻苦钻研;孜孜不倦;精益求精;全面发展.. 我决心竭尽全力除人类之病痛;助健康之完美;维护医术的圣洁和荣誉;救死扶伤;不辞艰辛;执着追求;为祖国医药卫生事业的发展和人类身心健康奋斗终生.. THE OATH OF A MEDICAL STUDENT Health related; life entrusted. The moment I step into the hallowed medical institution;I pledge solemnly I will volunteer myself to medicine with love for my motherland and loyalty to the people. I will scrupulously abide by the medical ethics ;respect my teachers and discipline myself. I will strive diligently for the perfection of technology and for all-round development of myself. I am determined to strive diligently to eliminate man' s suffering; enhance man' s health conditions and uphold the chasteness and honor of medicine. I will heal the wounded and rescue the dying ;regardless of the hardships. will always be in earnest pursuit of better achievement .I will work all my life for the development of the nation' s medical enterprise as well as menkind' s physical and mental health. 希波克拉底誓言 公元前5世纪 仰赖医神阿波罗· 我愿尽余之能力与判断力所及;遵守为病家谋利益之信条;并检束一切堕落及害人行为;我不得将危害药品给予他人;并不作该项之指导;虽有人请求亦不与之..尤不为妇人施堕胎手术..我愿以此纯洁与神圣之精神;终身执行我职务..凡患结石者;我不施手术;此则有待于专家为之.. 无论至于何处;遇男或女、贵人及奴婢;我之唯一目的;为病家谋幸福;并检点吾身;不作各种害人及恶劣行为;尤不作诱奸之事..凡我所见所闻;无论有无业务关系;我认为应守秘密者;我愿保守秘密..尚使我严守上述誓言时;请求神抵让我生命与医术能得无上光荣;我苟违誓;天地鬼神实共亟之.. 注:希波克拉底约公元前460—371;古希腊着名医生;治学严谨;医术精湛;医德高尚.. The Hippocratic Oath I swear by Apollo the physician; by Aesculapius; Hygeia; and Panacea; and I take to witness all the gods; all the goddesses; to keep according to my ability and my judgement the following oath. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/21be59575c0e7cd184254b35eefdc8d376ee14be.html