《五一国际劳动节》英语作文翻译 In the late of 18 century, the cruel capitalists in order to make more money, they demanded their employers to work all day, but only paid them with low salaries. In America, the workers had to work at least 14 hours a day, sometimes, they even worked as long as 18 hours. Due to the unfair payment, the works knew that they had to stand up and fight for their rights, or all of them will die young. Then the workers started to go on strike, demanded that the reasonable working hours should be 8 hours a day. However, the capitalists did not pay attention to the workers’demand. The workers had to fight for their rights for themselves. On may 1st, 1886, the United States and Canada’s worker unions got together to start the biggest strike. After that day, the law had passed the rules that the workers’working hours would be 8 hours per day. This strike had made a different. The worker did not need to suffer from the long working hours with low payment. 在18世纪末,残酷的资本家为了制造更多的价值,他们要求工人们成天工作,却给工人支付极少的酬劳。在美国,工人们每天至少要工作14个 小时,有时候,他 们甚至要工作长达18个小时。由于不合理的酬劳,工人们深知只有站起来抵抗才能猎取自己的合法权益,免得他们就会过劳死。工人们开头罢工,要求每天的合理 工作时间为八小时。然而,资本家们却不理睬工人们的要求。工人们只有连续争取自己的权益。在1886年5月1号,美国和加拿大的工作团体聚拢在一起,发起 了有史以来的罢工。从那之后,法律通过了每天工作8小时的条例。这次罢工转变了历史。工人们不用再次忍受长时间的工作以及少得可怜的酬劳。 The international worker’s day aims to memorize the spirit of brave and show our honor to the former workers. Because they had make great contribution to today’s happiness. 五一劳动节的目的在于纪念劳动者顽强英勇的精神以及向前辈劳动人民的敬重。由于他们付出了太多的努力来换取我们今日的幸福。 Happy workers’day ! 五一劳动节欢乐! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/80b6f834f28583d049649b6648d7c1c708a10bf7.html