单 位 学 号 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX本科毕业论文 (XXXXX专业) 浅析我国工程量清单计价模式的现状 姓 名 X X 专 业 工 程 管 理 指导老师 XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXX年XX月 摘 要 工程量清单计价方法是一种科学、合理的工程造价计价方法,作为一种市场定价模式,体现出了市场的竟争性,能真正实现我国“市场形成价格"的工程造价改革目标,有利于建筑市场的健康发展。工程量清单计价它的科学性、先进性、严谨性己为发达国家和地区的工程实践所证明,现己成为市场经济较为的发达国家和地区基建投资控制广为采用的国际惯例。 本文研究了我国现阶段工程量清单计价模式的应用情况,指出了我国工程量清单计价模式存在的相关问题。并从工程量计价清单模式招投标工作、工程量清单计价模式的企业定额、工程量清单计价模式规范的招标评标方法三个方面存在的问题及成因进行分析,提出了解决我国工程量清单计价模式应用中的一些对策。 【关键词】工程量清单计价,定额计价,优势,措施I Abstract BOQ(Bill of Quantity) is a kind of scientific and reasonable method for cost valuation。It conforms to the principles of market economy and reflects the competition in the market. Through such method, the reform of cost management in China, which aims to determine the cost through market, could be realized。 The value of applying such method has been proved in many developed countries and regions。 And it has become a kind of intenrational practice。 This thesis studies the application of BOQ at present in China.The author points out some important issues related with BOQ through taking research of the development and application of quantity pricing list at home and abroad。 To address those problems,the author analysis these issues and causes from three points,which are Quantity pricing bidding list mode, engineering companies bill of quantities fixed, the Bill of Quantities model specification Bid Evaluation methods under BOQ。 Then the author proposes some solutions to solve these problems。 【Keywords】: BOQ;norm valuation;SWOT;measure II 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/814ac36301768e9951e79b89680203d8ce2f6a06.html