向运动员学习英语作文 曲终人不见,江上数峰青。虽然不舍,终究要舍,北京冬奥的盛会即将谢幕,但冰雪盛典的传奇永留世间。无论是奇迹逆转、踏雪蛟龙的谷爱凌,还是八次冬奥、不负北京的佩希施泰因;无论是四朝元老、梦圆北京的徐梦桃,还是登顶成憾、青史几转的羽生结弦;无论是翩若惊鸿、婉如游龙的“葱桶组合”,还是让成绩单上“有中国队选手的名字”的孔凡影……每一个名字都让人难以忘记、每一个名字都是大写的传奇! 征服冰雪的人,有颗炙热的心。想在冰雪世界放飞自我,就会不断的追求超越自我。“训练对我来说就是玩。”热爱让追梦少年翊鸣惊人,站在了群峰之巅俯视平庸的沟壑;奖牌不是唯一,热爱可抵岁月漫长。 一片丹心图报国,不负青春与韶华。始于热爱,敬于坚持,终于爱国,每一个镌刻在传奇上的名字,都和自己的家国息息相依。“我要让这个项目的成绩单上有中国队选手的名字。”“我还要为国而战。”“感谢我的祖国一直在背后支持我。”孔凡影、徐梦桃、苏翊鸣,从梦想到信念,从信念到责任,从责任到感恩,爱国情怀让每个中国健儿追梦路上有了原动力。 冰场上的每一个闪光时刻,背后都是不懈的奋斗和坚持。超强的信念和自律,永不放弃的决心,帮助他们走出低谷。突破动作难度、提升艺术表现力、增加表演稳定性,他们一步一个脚印,不断在冰场上证明着自己。 让我们向运动员学习超强的信念和自律及永不放弃的决心,我们一同感受“那一种骄傲是北京冬奥,那一种传奇叫超越自我。”难舍的冰雪盛会,难忘的传奇精神,运动员们激励这当代学子,更加奋发图强! Learn the English composition from the athletes Qu people do not see, the river number peak green.Although reluctant to give up, the Beijing Winter Olympics festival will be coming to an end, but the legend of the ice and snow festival will stay in the world forever.Whether the miracle reversal, snow dragon Gu Ailing, or eight Winter Olympics, Beijing Pexi stein, whether the four dynasties, the dream of Beijing Xu Mengtao, or the summit, the green history, or the Kong Fan Ying... every name is hard to forget, every name is a capital legend! The people who conquer the ice and snow have a hot heart.If you want to fly yourself in the ice and snow world, you will continue to surpass yourself."Training is all about playing to me."Love makes the dream pursuit boy Yi Ming amazing, standing on the top of the peak looking down at the mediocre gully; the medal is not the only one, love can reach the long years. A sincere heart to serve the country, live up to youth and youth.Began with love, respect with persistence, and finally patriotic, every one engraved on the legend of the name, and their own country are closely dependent."I want to let the transcript of this event have the name on the name of the Chinese players."" I still have to fight for the country."" Thank you to my motherland for always being behind me."Kong Fanying, Xu Mengtao, Su Yiming, from dream to belief, from faith to responsibility, from responsibility to gratitude, patriotism makes every Chinese athlete on the road to pursue their dreams. Every shining moment on the ice rink, behind it is the unremitting struggle and persistence.Super faith and self-discipline, the determination to never give up, to help them out of the trough.Break through the difficulty of action, improve artistic expression, increase performance stability, step by step, constantly proving themselves on the ice rink. Let's learn from the athletes of super faith and self-discipline and determination never to give up, we feel together, " that kind of pride is the Beijing Winter Olympics, that kind of legend is called beyond yourself.”。The difficult ice and snow event, the unforgettable legendary spirit, the athletes encouraged the contemporary students to work harder! 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/81d7192af211f18583d049649b6648d7c1c708da.html