2021版《大高考》高考英语一轮总复习创新模拟题 分类试题:专题3 形容词和副词

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专题三 形容词和副词

依据高考命题大数据软件分析,重点关注第1101115181922242930 模拟精选题 .单句语法填空

1(2022·广州六校联考)Some experts believe its a________(worry) trend.

答案 worrying [修饰名词trend的应是形容词,物用-ing形式修饰。]

2(2022·山西太原联考)He said if one________(real) wanted to know the society and the world, he should go out to see, to hear and to find out about the real life.

答案 really [考查副词。副词修饰动词,really want真的想。]

3(2022·江西红色七校联考)He sat down and started________(gentle) talking to the dog.

答案 gently [前面是动词start,所以用副词修饰。]

4(2022·河南六市三月联考)Students________(usual) take hobby classes in their free periods or after school.

答案 usually [修饰后面的动词的应当用副词。]

5(2022·湖南四县联考)As I walked, I looked up, trying to realize what made this day so________(beauty)

答案 beautiful [make后面跟复合宾语,由形容词作宾补。]

6(2022·银川一中高三一模)It is natural that young people are often________(comfort) when they are with their parents.

答案 comfortable [放在be动词后面的应当是形容词,作表语。]

7(2022·贵州黔南六校联考)The way we cook is important.In many countriesthe two choices are ________(nature) gas or electricpowered stoves.

答案 natural [考查形容词,修饰后面的名词gasstoves]

8(2022·大连二十中期中)Some professor says “a naked marriage” is in sharp contrast with Chinas ________ (tradition) marriage customs.

答案 traditional [考查形容词。修饰空后面的名词marriage customs]

9(2022·湖南浏阳一中期中)People are more spending than beforebecause they are ________(easy) attracted by the discount.

答案 easily [考查副词,此处用副词来修饰后面的动词attract]

10(2021·南昌质检)This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their ________(nature) course. 答案 natural [考查形容词。在名词course前作定语,要用形容词形式natural表示自然的过程]

11(2021·大庆月考)That would be a very ________(reason) thing to do in a big citybut it could destroy a small village like ours.

答案 reasonable [考查形容词。此处为a/an+形容词+单数名词,修饰名词thing当然要用形容词形式。]

12(2021·大连一中月考)He was a billionaire by the time he was 31 years old.________there are still some other people who have made lots of money at even younger ages.

答案 However [考查副词。他31岁成了亿万富翁,但有些人年龄更小时就发了财。however然而,要用逗号与主句隔开。]

13(2021·泰安调研)And the passengers ________ (sudden) became friendly to one another. 答案 suddenly [考查副词。此处是修饰动词became,所以应当用副词作状语。] 14(2021·江西重点中学协作)Finallythat hard work paid off and now the water in the river is________ (clean) than ever.

答案 cleaner [考查形容词的比较级。现在河里的水比以前更洁净了。依据后面的比较连词than可知这里应当用比较级cleaner]

15(2021·黑龙江双鸭山一中月考)Thats ________(absolute) unbelievable.

答案 absolutely [考查副词。这的确是难以置信的。修饰形容词unbelievable要用副词形式。]

16(2021·内蒙古师大附中月考)I worked ________(hard) at my study than most of my classmates. 答案 harder [考查形容词。依据后面的 than可知要用比较级。]

17(2021·河南八校联考)Ohthey dont have dreams.But I have made ________my mind to achieve my dream.

答案 up [考查副词。make up ones mind to do...下定决心做某事。]

18(2021·宁夏银川一中月考)I still feel that all children are the ________(great) joy I could ever have.

答案 greatest [考查形容词。句意:我照旧认为孩子们是我最大的欢快。依据后面的ever知要用最高级。]

19(2021·甘肃兰州一中月考)It was my first time to go to the marketand I was ________(deep) impressed by what I saw in the market.

答案 deeply [考查副词。……我对市场上的所见所闻留下了深刻的印象。修饰动词impress要用副词形式。]

20(2021·山西太原五中月考)Even days after I reported the event to the policethey failed to ________(proper) solve this situation or even return my calls.

答案 properly [考查副词。……他们没能合适地处理这种状况。修饰动词solve要用副词形式。]

21(2021·广东揭阳一中、潮州金山中学联考)One such hot potato is taxes.Calling for ________(high) taxes can mean defeat for a politician.

答案 higher [考查形容词。提高人们的纳税是和现有的税率相比,故用比较级形式。] 22(2021·吉林一中月考)He was uprightloyal and highly respected.________he was dismissed from office.

答案 However [考查副词。前后两句是转折关系,而空格后面有逗号,故要用副词However不行用but]

23(2021·广州海珠区摸底)A little way down the river from Lake Victoriathe water __________(actual) gets quite rough.

答案 actually [考查副词。后半句意为实际上河水会变得很汹涌actually实际上。] 24(2021·山西太原五中模拟)This new usage of the term took off in September after a widelyshared joke about a richbut ________ (happy) man.

答案 unhappy [考查形容词。依据前面的a rich, but可知,此处表示一个富有却不欢快的unhappy不兴奋的。]

25(2022·黑龙江大庆铁人中学模拟)Some have lost their jobs and some have ________ (fail) marriages.

答案 failed [考查形容词。有些人婚姻失败。此处缺少marriages的定语。failed失败的。] 26(2022·甘肃张掖市诊断三)Besidesairplane crashes ________(typical) occur during takeoff or landing.

答案 typically [考查副词。这里修饰动词occur,故前面要用副词修饰。]

27(2022·黑龙江佳木斯一中三模)Compared with other forms of writingkeeping a diary in English is shorter and takes ________(little) time.

答案 less [考查形容词的比较级。写日记用的时间较少。依据and前的shorter可以推断出此处要用比较级less]

28(2022·黑龙江哈三中一模)But it is full of traps on the Internetand some people have really ________(please) experience about online dating.

答案 unpleasant [考查形容词。句意:网络上布满了陷阱。有人真的遇到过不开心的约会经受。依据前面的traps 可知,此处要用unpleasant令人不开心的。]

29(2022·河北衡水中学一模)________(frank) speakingIm scared to death about it. 答案 Frankly [考查副词。frankly speaking坦白地说。]

30(2022·贵州遵义四中模拟)The ________(rich) of these is Bill Gatesworth at least $ 41 billion. 答案 richest [考查形容词的最高级。这些人中最富有的是比尔·盖茨。] .语篇语法填空


(2022·长沙四校联考)Im 26.Im clear that Im never going to catch up with Mother Teresa.But I want __1__(do) something to help people every single day like __2__(she)

Everybody thinks we just serve food and soda (苏打汽水)The safety training is serious and __3__(stress)Caring for 49 people in a business class in 90 minutes is not easy.

Were not__4__(robot)Its hard to put on a smile and just pretend everything is great when it isnt.Ive seen coworkers lose a family member the day __5__ a trip and just pull themselves

togethertake control of their feelings __6__behave in a calm way.At the end of a 14hour flight, its like, “It was really nice to help you, but Im ready for you to get off the plane.” Those last 15 minutes

can be the__7__(long) 15 minutes of your life.You cant wait to turn off the flight servers voice and get something to eat without anyone__8__(say) “Excuse me”

When you say thank you, its meaningful.It makes us feel like you__9__(actual) treat us as fellow humans. Were up there together at a height of 30 000 feet, enjoying__10__miracle of the modern flight.

【语篇导读】 本文叙述了一位空姐的心路历程。我26岁,情愿像特蕾莎修女那样,奉献全部。1(原创) (关注后缀相同的副词词义辨析) Many newspapers claim to be politically neutral, but few________(actual) are.

答案 actually [句意:很多报纸都声称政治上中立, 可实际上中立的很少。actually其实, 实上。]

2(原创) (关注比较级和否定词连用的意义)Tom, how was your party last night?


1to do [考查非谓语动词。由上文可知,此处是want后接动词不定式作宾语,故用动词不定式to do]

2her [考查代词。该代词作介词like的宾语,指代Mother Teresa,故用宾格代词her] 3stressful [考查词形转换。依据上文的serious分析推断,此处该用stress的形容词形式stressful作表语。]

4robots [考查名词单复数。依据语境可知,此处表示类指,故用名词复数形式robots] 5before [考查介词。依据语境分析,此处强调在某次旅行之前的一天故用介词before] 6and [考查并列连词。依据语境可推断,此处是take control of their feelingsbehave in a calm way两个动作的并列使用,故用并列连词and]

7longest [考查形容词最高级。依据上文的the和语境分析,此处表示这15分钟是一生中最长的。故用longest。此处易误填long的比较级longer,忽视了后面的限定修饰语of your life在你整个生命中的最长的15分钟。此处是说空姐内心备受煎熬。]

8saying [考查非谓语动词。不定代词anyone为该非谓语动词的规律主语,与非谓语动词同作介词without的宾语。故用动名词saying]

9actually [考查副词。依据语境分析,此处应用副词修饰后面的动词treat] 10the [考查定冠词。特指现代飞行中的奇迹,故用定冠词the] 创新导向题 .单句语法填空

It couldnt have been________(good)I had a wonderful gettogether with my old friends. 答案 better [句意:——汤姆,你昨晚的聚会怎么样?——格外好。我和我的老伴侣有一个很棒的聚会。从a wonderful gettogether推断出聚会很棒,前面消灭了couldnt,依据否定词+比较级相当于最高级的规律,It couldnt have been better意为它不行能更好了,相当于它是最好的,格外好]

3(关注比较级表示程度上的加强) The number of people present at the concert was ________(small) than expected.There were many tickets left.

答案 much smaller [本题考查形容词及其比较级的用法。依据下句many tickets left的意思。] .语篇填空

填入一个适当的词或用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。(以形容词与副词为主) When a plane from London arrived at Sydney airportworkers began to unload a number of __1__(wood)boxes which contained clothing.No one could account for the fact that one of the boxes was __2__(extreme)heavy.It __3__(sudden)occurred to one of the workers to open up the box.He was __4__(astonish)at what he found.A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of __5__(wool)goods.He was __6__ surprised at being discovered that he did not even try to run away.After he was arrestedthe man admitted hiding __7__(silent) in the box before the plane left London.He had had a long and __8__(comfort)tripfor he had been confined(关在)to the wooden box __9__(secret)for over eighteen hours.The man was ordered to pay 3500 for the cost of the tripwhich was __10__ expensive than the normal pricewhich only cost 2000.

答案 1.wooden 2.extremely 3.suddenly 4.astonished 5woolen 6.so 7.silently 8.uncomfortable 9.secretly

