我的第一次SCI投稿经历 第一次SCI投稿经历总结 时间已经过去了一年多,现在回首当年其SCI投稿经历,可谓是一波三折(亚洲的应该是投到亚洲这边的,但是投到了美洲那边,绕了个大圈,所以发文后很久没有消息,中间花了很长时间询问文章的下落),花费了一年半的时间,终于能得以在Ultrasonics Sonochemistry上发表。在这里,感谢各位前辈的指导。是和你们无私奉献,把自己的投稿经历写出来,给后来人以参考,小弟终于能得以修成正果。现在,为继前辈之精神,小弟也把自己经历写出来,以供后来人参考。在科研的道路上,咱互勉!! 这是第一次投稿,参考各位前辈的格式,通过爱思唯尔(Elsevier)网站,发给Ultrasonics Sonochemistry 编辑部的介绍信。(所涉及内容咱删去,保存其骨架,见谅!!) Cover Letter Dear Editor, We are submitting a manuscript entitled “XXX” by XXX et al. for your kind consideration for publication in Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. In this manuscript, a set of XXX were used to investigate the effect of XXX such as XXX. We believe the paper may be of particular interest to the readers of your journal. We would be grateful if the manuscript could be reviewed and considered for publication in this journal. Phone calls about the paper should be directed to XXX at the following address,phone and fax number,and e-mail address: (略) Thank you very much for your attention to our paper. Sincerely yours, XXX 2021年8月31日编辑的来信: Dear Mr. XXX, The reviewers have commented on your above paper. They indicated that it is not acceptable for publication in its present form. However, if you feel that you can suitably address the reviewers' comments (included below), I invite you to revise and resubmit your manuscript. Please carefully address the issues raised in the comments. I look forward to receiving your revised manuscript. Yours sincerely, XXX. Editor Ultrasonics Sonochemistry Reviewers' comments: Comments from Reviewer No. 1 Recommendation: Major Revision There are numerous English and grammatical errors in this manuscript that must be corrected before this work can be considered for publication. Some suggestions are given below. There are also additional comments for consideration in brackets after some of the suggestions that the authors should consider carefully. 2021年11月17日给编辑的去信 Dear XXX, We are pleased to answer the questions (or make the amendment) of the reviewers’ and the manuscript ( XXX ) has also been extensively revised according to the comments and was resubmitted online. kind regards Sincerely yours, XXX 2021年11月17日Detailed Response to Reviewers Dear editors and reviewers, Thank you your comments. According to your advice, we have revised the paper as follows: 1.English and grammatical errors had been corrected point to point as your comments in the revised manuscript; the revisions are as follows: XXX.” Revised. 语法错误修改内容略 2. Other comments: (1) The author should include the citations in their article. Although the studies were performed at XXX from the current study, they nonetheless set the precedent for this kind of work. Thank you for your advice. We have consulted the dissertation ………. 以下针对编辑的回答略。 大体上的格式是,编辑的问题为黑色字体,回答编辑的问题用的字体颜色是蓝色字体。 kind regards Sincerely yours, XXX 2011.1.2编辑Casadonte的来信: Dear Mr. XXX, The reviewers have commented on your above paper. They indicated that it is not acceptable for publication in its present form. However, if you feel that you can suitably address the reviewers' comments (included below), I invite you to revise and resubmit your manuscript. Please carefully address the issues raised in the comments. I look forward to receiving your revised manuscript. Yours sincerely, XXXX Editor Ultrasonics Sonochemistry Reviewers' comments: Comments From Reviewer 2 Recommendation: Major Revision 1] Many of the comments from the previous reviewer have been taken into account and corrected. In reading the responses to the previous reviewer, I have added some additional remarks concerning a couple of points that need further clarification: ………… . 新年到了,呵呵 ,给编辑发个简短的祝福信。 2011.1.2给编辑的新年祝福信 Dear XXX, We have received your letter. Thank you. We will resubmit the revised manuscript as soon as possible. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/82aa81ffe0bd960590c69ec3d5bbfd0a7856d548.html