英语日记写法 一天终于结束了,想必有很多难忘的瞬间吧,不妨坐下来好好写写日记吧。日记写什么内容才新颖、丰富呢?下面是小编为大家收集的英语日记写法,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英语日记一般记录某一天发生的事件,或者是自己感受最深的一件事,如一节课、一次郊游活动、一场晚会、一场体育比赛等等。 也可是观看某场电影、电视剧或阅读某一篇文章后的'体会等。 写英语日记要注意下面几点: 一、英语日记的格式 英语日记通常由两部分组成,即书端和正文。 书端指写日记的日期、星期和天气。 英语日记的书端顶格写在正文上边的左边。 先写星期,再写日期。 日期的写法与书信的相同。 天气可写在正文的右上方或写在日期之后。 通常用形容词如Fine, Cloudy, Rainy, Windy, Foggy等。 二、英语日记的时态 由于日记记载的事情通常已经发生过,谓语动词多用一般过去时态。 三、写日记正文时应注意的问题 1.考试中所给的话题作文通常把词数控制在100-120个单词。 2.主题要突出。 整篇日记要围绕一个主题来展开。 切忌面面俱到,记流水帐。 因此,要精心选择内容,记下最有意义的、感受最深的内容。 3.语言表达要贴切。 写日记时,遣词造句要符合语法和英语习惯表达。 切忌汉语句式表达。 如果我们不能用已学的语言知识来表达某种意思,最好换另一种同义的表达法。 4.注意结构的完整性。 在结尾要有结束语,用自己的感想或体会对前面的内容作总结。 请看范文: Wednesday July 20, 20xx Fine I had an unforgettable trip to Cambridge today. The weather was fine today. My classmates and I went on a guided trip to Cambridge by coach. It took us about three hours to get there. As soon as we got there, we were divided into several groups, with a professional guide to show us around. First, we were shown the Kings College, whose chapel impressed me most. It is the most spectacular building that I have ever seen. Then we visited other places such as Trinity College, and Fitzwilliam Museum. In the end, we walked along the Cambridge river and enjoyed the beautiful view. Although tired, I spent the most exciting day in my life. I hope one day I can study in Cambridge University — my dream college. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8365a650a16925c52cc58bd63186bceb18e8ed59.html