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Part 2 Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary


I. ( (

Choose the word with the different sound (选出划线部分发音不同的单词)(4分)

B) fun B) enter B) salty B) promise

C) rule C) enough C) almost C) chase

D) just D) environment D) album D) else

) 24. A) estate ) 26. A) reuse

( ) 23. A) club ( ) 25. A) always

II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(共15分) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

) 27. _________ exit of the shopping center is over there.

B) An B) the one B) people B) happily B) on B) to B) will not B) made

C) The C) first C) sandcastle C) lovely C) to C) with C) may not C) to make

D) / D) the first D) pollution D) nicely D) from D) of D) must not D) making

) 28. The teachers’ office is on_________ floor. ) 29. There are quite a lot of_________ on the beach.

) 30. What _________weather it is! I can go out and have a picnic. ) 31. Does the lift_________ the middle go to the top floor? ) 32. I am happy everybody around me is friendly_________ me. ) 33. People_________ smoke on an underground train.

) 34. Mr. Green wants his secretary_________ some coffee for him. ) 35. We must promise_________ a low carbon life (低碳生活).

B) having B) will arrive B) has gone to

C) had C) arrived C) has been in

D) have

D) are going to arrive D) has gone in

) 36. The parents_________ at the school at eight o’clock yesterday morning. ) 37. David_________ New York many times. You can ask him to be your tour guide. A) A A) one A) child A) kindly A) in A) for A) should not A) make

A) to have A) arrive A) has been to

( ) 38. - Have you bought any garlic?

B) bought B) or B) but

C) have bought D) C) but C) because

will buy D) so D) or

-Yes. I_________ it at the vegetable stall. A) buy ( ( ( A) and A) so

) 39. Look at that sign. Don’t eat_________ drink in the reading room. ) 40. You eat too much sweet food, _________ you have toothache. ) 41. - Would you like some more bacon?

B) Yes, I’d love to

C) No, thanks

D) That’s all right

-_________. I have had enough. A) Yes, please

III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(4分) A. well B. helps C. strong D. meals E. helpful

Our food is very important. We like eating it, and it makes us healthy. In most countries, people have three or four _____42 ____every day. Having food is like filling a car with petrol (汽油).It gives us fuel (燃料)for the work we do.

The most important meal is breakfast. Doctors say that it is the beginning of a day and you can’t work____43_____ without it. You should eat a lot in the morning, eat well at noon, but you shouldn’t eat too much at night.

Protein (蛋白质)is very important. It builds our bones and makes our muscles (肌肉)___44_____. Meat, fish, chicken, and eggs give us protein. Beans and milk also have protein.

Vegetables and fruit are also very important. They give us vitamins and other chemicals. Vitamin C___45______ us fight disease. Without it, we become sick. 42._________43._________44._________45._________

II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当 形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)(6分)

46. Our computer room is on the_________ floor of our teaching building. (four) 47. It’s good for people to go_________ in the countryside once in a while. (cycle) 48. We should not_________ the environment around us. (pollution) 49. Can we buy garlic at the _________food section? (freeze)

50. Kitty and her classmates will meet their parents at the_________ . (enter) 51. When you see the green lights, you can cross the road_________ . (safe)

III. Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写句子,每空格限填一词)(共12分)

52. I have already packed my suitcase.(改为一般疑问句)

_________you packed your suitcase_________ ?

53. It takes him about ten minutes to walk to school every day.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _________does it take him to walk to school every day?

54. Don’t be late for school.(保持原句意思不变) You _________ _________late for school.

55. My new watch cost me 499 yuan.(对划线部分提问) How _________ _________your new watch cost you?

56. I’d like to have tomato and egg soup after dinner.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _________of soup would you like to have after dinner?

57. Bill doesn’t look as healthy as Jack.(保持原句意思不变) Jack looks_________ _________Bill.

Part 3 Reading and Writing (I. Reading Comprehension (阅读理解)(共 24 分) Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(共6分)


If you like shopping, you will love Sun Plaza!

Shops and Entertainment

Sun Plaza is HUGE there are over 300 shops! You can find something there for all the family! 7/F 6/F 5/F 4/F 3/F 2/F 1/F


Electronic Products ( Books and Music Health and Beauty Sports

Clothes and Shoes Toys and Games

You can easily find Sun Plaza.

By underground: Take Line 3 and go out at Sunny Station. Sun Plaza is only 5 minutes' walk away.

By bus: You need to take Bus 316, 652 or 732 and get off at Sunny Road.

By car: You will find a car park next to Sun Plaza. If you eat in any of the restaurants in Sun Plaza, you will enjoy free parking for 2 hours! If you spend more than $500 in Sun Plaza, you will enter our lucky draw (). You will have a chance to win a computer, a holiday to Bali or even a car!


There are restaurants on every floor so tasty food is always all around you.

Come to the newly opened Sun Plaza TODAY!

58. What is Sun Plaza? A) A cinema. B) A Restaurant. C) A shopping center.

D) An underground station.

59. What CAN’T you buy at Sun Plaza? A) Sports shoes.

B) Pet food. C) Dolls. D) Digital (数码的)cameras.

60. Where can you buy a digital watch? A) 1/F. B) 3/F. C) 5/F. D) 6/F. 61. Which of the following is true?

A) There are three ways to get to Sun Plaza. B) Sun Plaza was opened a long time ago. C) Sun Plaza is far away from Sunny Station. D) There are over 300 restaurants in Sun Plaza.

62. You can park your car for free (免费)in Sun Plaza if you_________ . A) see a film there

B) win a lucky draw

C) eat in one of its restaurantsD) spend more than $500 there 63. What CAN’T you find in the advertisement? A) Where to see a film. B) How to get to Sun Plaza. C) The number of shops in Sun Plaza. D) Different kinds of restaurants in Sun Plaza.

B) Choose the words to complete the passage (选择最恰当的单词,完成短文)(共6分) In China, the Spring Festival is the most important of all the holidays in the year. Many weeks ______64___ the Spring Festival, we know it is coming. In the shops, products (商品)for this special holiday begin to appear (出现).The _____65____ on TV tell us to buy the products for the big festival.

Millions of people stop working and buy ___66___ to go back home so that they can meet their parents, grandparents and ____67_____ such as aunts, uncles and cousins. Usually, they bring back a lot of presents to show their love because they can only visit their family once a year.

On New Year’s Eve, all the members of a family stay at home enjoying their big dinner. After that, they sit _____68____ together in front of the TV to watch the exciting New Year’s program and talk with each other. About ten minutes before the ringing of the New Year’s bell, people set off fireworks to ____69___ the new year. ( )64. A) after ( ( (

B) before

C) on

D) at

)65. A) films )66. A) tickets )67. A) friends

B) news programs C) talk shows D) advertisements B) maps

C) snacks

D) cards

B) neighbors B) quietly B) finish

C) relatives D) classmates C) happily C) plan

D) quickly D) chase

( )68. A) luckily (

)69. A) welcome

C) Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使 其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(6分)

All over the world men and women, boys and girls enjoy sports b_________ it can help people to keep healthy. They also help people to live happily. People play d_________ games in winter and summer. Sailing is fun in warm weather, but skating is good in w_________ . That’s to say, sports c_________ with the seasons. Games and sports often grow out of the working people. The Arabs (阿拉伯人)are famous for their horses and camels (路驼).They u_________ them in their work and in their sports events, too. Hunting and fishing are very good sports - but millions of people hunt and fish for a living. People from other countries may not be able to understand each other, but a_________ a game on the sports field, they often become good friends. What’ s more, sports help to train a person’s character (毅力).

70. b_________ 71. d_________ 72. w_________ 73. c_________ 74. u_________ 75. a_________

D) Read the passage below and answer the following questions (根据文章内容回答问题)(共 6 ) Tom is writing about his holiday in Hong Kong. Read his writing and answer the questions. 14th October

Today was the first day of my holiday in Hong Kong. It was great to meet my cousins and I love Hong Kong. I think I like it better than England. I am too tired now. I will write more tomorrow. _____________

I had very few things to write yesterday, so I didn’t write anything. We just visited some relatives and it was so boring! But today was such a fun day. In the morning we went swimming in our hotel. There are very few outdoor pools in my village so it was very special for us. In the afternoon we went shopping. There are very few shops in my village in England, so Hong Kong is very different and exciting. Things are cheap here, so I bought a lot of nice things.

Mum says that we can go to Ocean Park or Disneyland tomorrow. I want to go to Ocean Park because we can see interesting animals or go on exciting rides (骑行项目)一 or both!


17th October

We went to Ocean Park today. Dad thinks that Disneyland is too expensive and there are very few things for grown-ups (成年人)to do. That’s why we went to Ocean Park. There were so many rides there. I didn’t have enough time to try each of them. My favourite place was the aquarium (水族馆)because I like marine (水生的)animals.

76. 14th October was the first day of Tom’s holiday in Hong Kong, wasn’t it? (1 ) 77. Which place did Tom like better, Hong Kong or England? (1 )

78. Fill in the blank with a proper date (在横线上写一个恰当的日期).1 ) 79. Why didn’t Tom have enough time to try each of the rides in Ocean Park? (1 ) 80. How did Tom feel about his holiday in Hong Kong? Why? (2 ) II. Writing ( 10 )

A) Make up sentences with the words and phrases given (连词成句)(共 4 分) 81. going, are, come back, we, to, when?

82. is, Garden City, visiting, for the first time, Winnie 83. sees, he, shops, walking to, when, school, Simon, a few, is

84. the supermarket, let5s, some food and drink, to buy, go to, for the picnic B)Writing (作文)( 6 分)

85. Write at least 50 words on the topic Our Winter Camp Plan.[根据以下冬令营安排,一段不少于50个单词的短文向父母介绍即将来临的冬令营活动(至少介绍四项h标点符号不占 格。注意:文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分] 参考答案

I. 23. C 24. B 25. D 26. A

27. C 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. A 32. B 33. D 34. C 35. A 36. C 37. A 38. B 39. B 40. A 41. C III. 42. D 43. A 44. C 45. B

III. 46. forth 47. cycling 48. pollute 49. frozen 50. entrance 51. safely IV. 52. Have, yet 53. How long 54. shouldn't be 55. much did 56. What kind 57. healthier than Reading

58. C 59. B 60. D 61. A 62. C 63. D 64. B 65. D 66. C 67. C 68. C 69. A

70. because 71. different 72. winter 73. change 74. use 75. attending 76. Yes, it was. 77. Hong Kong 78. 16th October

79. Because there were so many rides there. 80. Excited.

81. When are wer going to come backe?

82. Winnie is visiting Garden City for the first time. 83. When Simon is walking to school, he seem a few shops.

84. Let's go to the supermarket to buy some food and drink for the picnic.
