简介 我们都知道春节时我国最传统的节日,而在泰国,最隆重的节日就是宋干节 We all know that the Spring Festival is the most traditional festivals in China, while in Thailand, the festival is songkran 宋干节是泰国、老挝的传统节日。节期3天,每年自公历4月13~15日举行。节日的主要活动有斋僧行善,沐浴净身,人们互相泼水祝福,敬拜长辈,放生及歌舞游戏。 Thailand's, Laos songkran festival traditions. 3 days, every year since feasts on April 13-15 calendar date. The main activities have lent festival, bath clean body, good sangha people doxbaeuh, worship, and release and elders 泰国每年从4月13日开始的宋干节是其庆祝新年的传统节日.期间,举国上下异常喜庆,进行各种宗教庆典和积德仪式,家人朋友团聚相叙,当然着也是举行泼水活动的时节! Thailand on April 13, from the start of the New Year is celebrated its songkran festival. During the traditional festival, abnormal country all religious celebration ceremony, family, friends, and turn deserves another reunited with Syria, and, of course, is also held water activity of the season 来源: Songkran这个词来源于梵文,意思是迈进,指太阳运行的轨道进入白羊宫.此时昼夜等长,在泰国文化里这标志着新一年的开始. The phrase comes from the Sanskrit, Songkran mean, refers to the sun's orbit. At night into Aries tubes in Thailand, the culture of New Year marks the start 除此以外,宋干节也是一个用来表示感恩的节日。大家都趁这个重要时机回忆自己曾受到的善待,回忆他人的慷慨和同情如何带来了平和,快乐和幸福.宋干节也是一个团聚的节日,让家人之间的纽带得到巩固. In addition, also a used to express gratitude songkran festival. All this has been an important opportunity to remember his memories of others, generous and sympathy to bring peace, joy and happiness is a reunion. Songkran festival of the link between family, let up. 活动: 在泰国的大部分地区,宋干节持续3天. In most parts of Thailand, songkran lasts for three days 4月13日意味着一年的终结.人们举行各种各样的活动辞别旧年.早上,人们举行积德仪式,并向佛教的僧侣供奉物品 On April 13, means the end of year. People in all kinds of activities held last farewell. In the morning, people held a ceremony to turn deserves another buddhist monks, and sacrifice 4月14日是准备的一天,家人聚在一起,帮忙准备第二天早上献给僧侣的物品. On April 14, the day is ready, family gather together to help prepare the next morning, the monks 整个下午都用来搬沙入庙.这一天被看作是个吉日,所有人都面带笑容,避免说一些不吉利或者气急败坏的话.世界闻名的宋干节泼水狂欢活动进行整整一天,能帮助狂欢的人们消暑.晚上,人们都把沙搬到寺庙里,用来堆沙佛塔,佛塔上装饰着彩旗和花朵. The world famous songkran splashed carnival activities all day, can help the people throughout the night, people are. Move to the temple, the sand heap stupa used sand, decorated with flags stupa and flowers 4月15日标志着泰国新年的开始.这是宋干节新年庆祝最重要的一天.传统上人们在这一天会积些功德,做些善事,比如向僧侣供奉物品,谛听佛法的宣讲,洒圣水到佛像和僧侣身上,拜访长辈并接受到他们的祝福. April 15th marks the beginning of the New Year in Thailand. This is the most important celebration songkran traditionally people in one day. This day would accumulate some merit, doing good things, for example, listen to the monks consecrate items of dharma preached, sprinkle water to Buddha and monks, visit to their elders and accept the blessin 宋干节最根本的意义在于它是一个清洁和净化的过程--洗掉所有的灾祸,不幸和邪恶,带者好运和洁净开始新的一年.水象征清洁的过程,代表纯净. The most fundamental significance of songkran it is a clean and purification process - wash all evil, evil, who bring misfortune and good luck in the New Year begin with clean water cleaning process. The symbol of purity, representative 又名: 从4月13日到15日的宋干节也是泰国一年一度的国家家庭日和敬老节。据称,泰国当初确定这个节日旨在激励民众多关心家人,多利用空闲时间和家人团聚,给予父母和老年人更多的尊重与关爱,创建和睦家庭。 From April 13 to 15, Thailand songkran annual national family day and JingLaoJie. Allegedly, Thailand had determined the holiday to spur people much concern, many families spend their leisure time with the family, parents and elderly care, respect and more to create harmonious family 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/85b70bf3f90f76c661371a67.html