中国古典诗的英文翻译 【篇一】中国古典诗的英文翻译 李商隐 凉思 客去波平槛, 蝉休露满枝。 永怀当此节, 倚立自移时。 北斗兼春远, 南陵寓使迟。 天涯占梦数, 疑误有新知。 Five-character-regular-verse Li Shangyin THOUGHTS IN THE COLD You are gone. The river is high at my door. Cicadas are mute on dew-laden boughs. This is a moment when thoughts enter deep. I stand alone for a long while. ...The North Star is nearer to me now than spring, And couriers from your southland never arrive -- Yet I doubt my dream on the far horizon That you have found another friend. 【篇二】中国古典诗的英文翻译 李商隐 北青萝 残阳西入崦, 茅屋访孤僧。 落叶人何在? 寒云路几层。 独敲初夜磬, 闲倚一枝藤。 世界微尘里, 吾宁爱与憎。 Five-character-regular-verse Li Shangyin NORTH AMONG GREEN VINES Where the sun has entered the western hills, I look for a monk in his little straw hut; But only the fallen leaves are at home, And I turn through chilling levels of cloud I hear a stone gong in the dusk, I lean full-weight on my slender staff How within this world, within this grain of dust, Can there be any room for the passions of men? 【篇三】中国古典诗的英文翻译 温庭筠 送人东游 荒戍落黄叶, 浩然离故关。 高风汉阳渡, 初日郢门山。 江上几人在? 天涯孤棹还。 何当重相见? 樽酒慰离颜。 Five-character-regular-verse Wen Tingyun TO A FRIEND BOUND EAST The old fort brims with yellow leaves.... You insist upon forsaking this place where you have lived. A high wind blows at Hanyang Ferry And sunrise lights the summit of Yingmen.... Who will be left for me along the upper Yangzi After your solitary skiff has entered the end of the sky? I ask you over and over when we shall meet again, While we soften with winecups this ache of farewell. 本文来源: