
时间:2023-11-21 06:08:09 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载



AAm I ever hungry? When will supper be ready? 我肚子饿了吗?晚饭什么时候能准备好? BIt's almost ready. Can you set the table? 差不多好了。你能帮忙摆桌子吗? AAll right. 好的。

BWant to taste this dish? 要试一下这一碟吗? AYeah. Oh, it's delicious! 要,噢,太美味了! BReally? 真的吗?

ADefinitely. It's a wonderful meal. Thank you, Honey. 当然。很棒的一顿饭。谢谢你,亲爱的。

BIf you like to help me do the dishes, I'll be more greatful. 如果你愿意帮我洗碗,我会更加高兴。 AI wish I could, but I won't. 我希望我能,但是我不愿意。 早餐想吃什么 AGood morning. 早上好。

BMorning. What would you like for breakfast? 早上好。早餐你想吃什么?

AI'm not quite hungry now. Let me think for a while.

我现在不是很饿。让我想一下。 BCome on. We are going to be late. 快点。我们要迟到了。 AOk,Ok. Toast and egg. 好好好,吐司和鸡蛋。 BMilk? 要牛奶吗? ANo.


AWhere are you going for lunch? 你要去哪里吃午餐?

BI have no idea. I have no appetite. 不知道。我没有胃口。

AI know of a restaurant. I'm sure you'll like it. 我知道一家餐馆。我肯定你会喜欢。

BLet's go there then. Is it a Chinese restaurant? 让我们接着去那里。那是一家中餐馆吗?

AYes.it serves excellent Sichuan food. Spicy food improve your appetite.

是的,它有很棒的四川菜。辣的食物可能会让你开胃。 BI hope so. 我希望如此。

