
时间:2023-03-26 22:06:09 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


j 1. President Hu Urges Efforts to Ensure Global Energy Security.(胡锦涛主席敦促国际社会协同努力保障全球能源安全. 2. How to Learn with Success.(如何学有成效. ... 3. We Need Friends . (我们需要朋友. ... 4. Hard Work Is Good for Health. (努力工作有利于健康. ... 5. Sports and Games.(体育运动. ... 6. How Americans View Love.(美国人的爱情. ... 7. Our Family Creed.家族的信. ... 8. America’s Luckiest Stamp Find. (美国最幸运的邮票的发现. ... 9. That quot;Other Womanquot; in My Life. (我生命中的另一个女人) . 10.The First Jet.(第一架喷气机) ... 11.A Handful of History.(扑克手中的历史. ... 12. An Epoch-making Toast.(划时代的祝酒词. ... 13. The Delight of Books.书之乐趣) . 14.The Moon-Riddle from the Past.月球来自远古之谜) . 15.How Animals Hear. 动物如何听到声音) ... 16.A World without Oil.(假如世界没有石油) ... 17. If Lincoln Had Used a Computer.(如果林肯使用过计算机) ... 18. How Americans Eat and Drink(美国人的饮食 . 19. Smoking and Cancer. (吸烟和癌.... 20. Eyeing Earth: From Cloud Top to Seabed. (纵览地球从云端到海底) ... 21.The art of public Speaking.(公共演讲的艺术) ... 22. The Province of Alberta. (阿尔伯达省) ... 23.

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The Strenuous Life.勤奋的生活) ... 24. When The Earth Quakes.(地震时刻) ... 25.Tropical Fish.(热带鱼) ... 26. Hints to Improve Spoken English (提高英语口语须知) ... 27. Money, Real and Counterfeit.(真币和伪币) ... 28. The Energy Crisis of 1973 and Nixon’s Energy Policies. (1973 年能源危机与尼克松总统的应对政策) 29. Department of Energy Established.(建立能源部) ... 30. Becoming a Child of Nature: It’s a Twofold Task of Parents and Children.(做大自然的孩子父母与孩子双方的任务) ... 31.A New Definition of Marketing.(关于营销的新定义) ... 32. The Great Wall of China. (中国的长城. ... 33.The Magic of Energy.(能的魔力) ... 34.Super Athlete of the Sangamon.超级运动员) ... 35.You Bet Your Life.(以命相赌) ... 36.Oil.(油) ... 37. How to Avoid Foolish Opinions .(如何避免愚蠢的见解) ... 38.Tips on Tipping.(给小费的学问) ... 39. Geography of USA. 美国地理概况) ... 40.Petroleum Geology and Other Sciences.(石油...
