英语作文:身边的科学(二年级) 导读:本文 英语作文:身边的科学(二年级),仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 There are many scientific phenomena around us. We can always find them if we pay attention to observation. One summer afternoon, my mouth was dry with heat, and I thought, "If only I had a glass of ice water, there should be water in the kitchen. "Walking into the kitchen, I could not anticipate that there was a pot of water on the table. I was so happy that I poured the water into the cup immediately. A cup of hot air came out of the cup. It turned out to be boiling water. How can we make the boiling water cool down quickly? So I put the water in the refrigerator, and after a few seconds, I heard a "bang" and the water trickled out along the crack in the refrigerator. I was startled and quickly opened the fridge door. I suddenly froze. How could a good cup break? Through consulting the information, I know the cause of the cup explosion, is the principle of hot expansion and cold contraction: because the cup filled with boiling water makes the cup internal heating expansion, the temperature in the refrigerator and the cup external cold contraction, so that the cup internal expansion, external or cold, delayed expansion, the cup exploded. From this, I understand a truth: science is everywhere, as long as we observe carefully, we can find many things we do not know through our own efforts. 身边的科学 我们身边有许多科学现象,平时只要留心观察,就一定能发现它们。 在一个夏天的中午,我热得口干舌燥,心想:”要是有杯冰水喝就好了,厨房里应该有水。“走进厨房,果然不出我所料,桌子上放着满满一壶水。我高兴极了,马上把水倒进杯子。一股热气冒出杯口,原来,这是壶开水!怎样才能让开水迅速凉下来呢?于是我把水放进了冰箱,过了几秒钟,只听”砰“地一声,水沿着冰箱缝徐徐流出。我吓了一大跳,迅速打开冰箱门,我顿时愣住了,好好的杯子怎么会破呢?通过查阅资料,我知道了杯子爆炸的原因,是热胀冷缩的原理:因为杯子里装的开水使杯子内部受热膨胀,冰箱里的温度又使杯子外部受冷收缩,就这样,杯子内部不断膨胀,外部还是凉的,迟迟不膨胀,杯子就爆了。 从这件事中,我明白了一个道理:科学无处不在,只要我们认真观察,就能通过我们自己的努力发现许多我们许多不知道的东西。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/86fc6c06d1d233d4b14e852458fb770bf78a3ba6.html