大树用英语怎么说 俗话说,“大树底下好乘凉”,大树是我们在炎热的夏天乘凉的好地方。那么你想知道大树用英语怎么说吗?下面店铺为大家带来大树的英语说法和例句,欢迎大家阅读学习! 大树的英语说法1: tupelo 英 [ˈtu:pələu] 美 [ˈtupəˌlo, ˈtju-] 大树的英语说法2: big tree 英 [biɡ tri:] 美 [bɪɡ tri] 大树相关英语表达: 大树营 Big Tree Camp 大树移植 The tree transplantation 大树英语说法例句: 我把钓鱼竿靠在一棵松树的大树枝上。 I rested my fishing rod against a pine bough. 山上的一棵大树 A tall tree on a mountain 大树下荫凉得很。 It's very shady and cool under the tree. 大树可能阻止光线穿过。 Large trees may obstruct the passage of light. 很多大树昨夜被风连根拔起。 Many large trees were unrooted last night by the wind. 大树的枝丫伸向天际。 The branches of the big tree are pointing directly to the sky. 大树遭到了雷击。 The big tree was struck by lightning. 形式主语不定式做主语后置这株大树要10人才能环抱。 It takes ten people to encircle the big tree. 大树保护咖啡作物不被太阳晒到。 The trees protect the coffee plant from the sun. 大树下面有三个孩子。 There are three children under the big tree. 大树家里的地形了如指掌。 Dashu knows the entire apartment very well now. 我看见他们在一棵大树下跳舞、唱歌。 I saw them dancing and singing under a big tree. 大树上缠绕着藤萝。 There is a Wisteria twining round the big tree. 卡车撞到一颗大树上。 The truck went into a tall tree. 公共汽车撞在一棵大树上。 The bus crashed into a big tree. 许多大树都被连根拔起。 Many large trees were pulled up by their roots. 失去一颗大树,赢得一片森林。 To lose a tree, to gain a forest. 我们就可以在大树下野餐了。 And then we'll have picnics under this tree. 矗立在路两旁绿油油的大树。 Big trees stand tall and upright on the roadside. 海豹在大树下玩球。 The seals are playing with balls under the tree. 国王有条大狼犬,牠跑到公主坐着的大树下,不停地围着大树跳上跳下,对着姑娘吠叫不止。 He had a large greyhound that ran to the tree where the girl was sitting. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/879cf67b7b3e0912a21614791711cc7931b77885.html