英语人教版七年级下册Unit 6 Section A 1a-1c

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Unit 6 Im watching TV.

Section A 1a1c

Learning aims

1.掌握本堂课的新单词及重点短语; 2.初步了解现在进行时;



Key points

1.words/phrasesnewspaper, use, soup, wash, reading a newspaper, making soup, washing the dishes, using the computer, talking on the phone......

2.target language: Whats he/she doing? He/She is ...ing.

What are they doing? They are ....ing.

What are you doing?

I am ....ing./We are ....ing.





Teaching methods: 1.直接教授法;


Learning methods: 1.课前预习 2.自主学习 3.合作交流

Teaching aids:

multi-media, PPT, blackboard, chalks

Teaching procedures Step 1: Lead in 1. Greet.

2. Show the learning aims.

Step 2: Preview check.

1. Ask a S to write on the blackboard and others write down the answers on their

exercise books..

2. Ask a S to read and check answers. 3. Lead reading.

Step 3: Self Study.

1.Compare verbs and V-ing..

2.Finish 1a:Match the activities with the pictures. 3.Check answers.

Step 4: Presentation & Pairwork.

1.Target language talking:

e.g. Whats he/she doing?

He/She is reading a newspaper. .......


Act, ask and answers with the target languages in groups. Then show the group work. Step 5: Summary.

Lead Ss to conclude what they learnt in this class.

Step 6: Exercises.

Finish exercise 1 and 2 in class.

Homework: (课后作业)

1. 熟记本课的单词与目标语言; 2. 阅读课本P111-112(现在进行时),课后小组合作探讨: V-ing形式的构成方法。


Blackboard design:

Unit 6 Im watching TV. Section A 1a-1c

What is/are ...... doing ? ... am/is/are ...ing.
