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1.时间副词nowthenrecentlysoon just nowright awayetc.)可以放在整个句子或从句之前或后,并通常放在句末。其中 thenrecently可以放在动词之前;still常放在动词之前或系动词、助动词、情态动词之后;而yet常放于句末,并且句子常用否定形式。例如:

I'll then turn to my classmates for help

When all the students finished the morning exercisehe was still asleep We haven't finished the work yet

2地点副词heretheredownanywhereeverywhereinsideetc和方式副词wellquicklykindlyetc.)常放在宾语之后,或不及物动词之后。其中herethereupdown等副词与不及物动词gocomestandwalk lie等词连用时,副词可置于句首。如句子主语是名词或名词短语时,句子需用完全倒装语序。例如:

There stands the tower Down came the rain

We looked for the lost wallet here and therebut in vain 3.程度副词veryquitealmostfairly nearlyjustextremelyhardlyetc.)常放在被修饰之前,但当very修饰动词时,常与 much连用并置于句末。例如:

I like her very much

With one false movementhe nearly loses the whole game 4.频度副词everneveroftenalways seldomsometimesetc.)常放在动词之前,或系动词、助动词、情态动词之后。其中sometimes也常置于句首。例如:

I have never been to America

Sometimes he phones meand sometimes he writes to me


It was only an coincidence

They only have coffee in the morning(可以理解为:他们早上只喝咖啡。或:他们只在早上喝咖啡。

注:(1)当程度副词频度副词同时在句子中出现时,程度副词通常前置修饰频度副词。例如: He hardly ever leaves his house all the day

The president of our university is nearly always occupied

2)当时间地点程度方式副词同时在句子中出现时,常把程度副词放在最前面方式副词放在地点副词之前时间副词放在最后但是,句中动词是动态动词gocome leavearrive etc时,则常把地点副词放在方式副词之前。例如:

They performed pretty well in the city hall last night She went home quickly 3可作定语的副词(如herethereback aheadabroadbelowaboveyesterdaybefore etc.)通常放在被修饰名词之后。例如:

We will see a beautiful picture about the country in the years ahead The atmosphere here is seriously polluted
