机场服务人员表扬信 机场服务人员表扬信 机场服务人员表扬信(一) 亲爱的先生或女士, 我写这封信想对我在你们机场得到慷慨的帮助表达我由衷的感谢。 事情发生在上周我在香港旅游的'时候。我从机场出发时,发现放在行李车上的手提包丢失了。我感到非常失望,前往地勤人员求助。 他们非常乐意帮助,办事有效率,不到20分钟,他们就找到了我丢失手提包。手提包中装有非常重要的文件和一些贵重物品,手提包丢失可能会对我的业务造成重大损失。 因此,我非常感谢你们的工作人员,赞赏他们对工作认真的态度以及对旅客的热心。 请转达我对他们最好的问候。 此致 敬礼 XXX 2017年XX月XX日 机场服务人员表扬信(二) Dear Sir and Madam, I am writing to express my sincerest gratitude for the generous help I received in your air port. It happened last week when I was traveling in Hong Kong. On my departure from the airport, I found I had lost onehandbag in the luggage cart. I was very upset and went to the groundcrew for assistance. And they were very helpful and efficient. In less than 20 minutes they found the lost handbag for me. I had very important documents and some stuff of big value in the bag,so the loss of it might have resulted in great damage to my business. So I feel very grateful to your work staff and I really appreciate their serious attitude toward work and their warm-heartedness toward travelers. Please convey my best regard to them. Sincerely yours, Li Ming. 机场服务人员表扬信(三) 20XX年春运工作期间,针对此期间航班密度大,旅客流量大的特点,机场公司地面服务部旅客服务科的所有员工以“首问责任,主动服务”为宗旨,根据旅客的不同需求,为旅客提供了优质、贴心的服务。 问询处作为机场的文明窗口,展现了良好的“党员示范岗”形象,1月29日-31日,连续三天都收到热情洋溢的旅客表扬信。她们用热情、主动的服务态度、用换位思考的服务精神,赢得了广大旅客的赞赏与肯定。 此外,地面服务部还响应省文明办的号召,在候机楼组织开展关爱农民工服务活动,唱响“传递无锡爱,情满回乡路”这一口号,关注农民工,关爱返乡人,让农民工兄弟春运返乡的辛苦旅程,变成实实在在的舒心之旅、温暖之旅。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/89d8d93413a6f524ccbff121dd36a32d7375c70e.html