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庆应义塾大学是日本最早创办的私立高等学府,其历史可追溯到1858年。庆应义塾大学目前世界排名第192位,它的基本概况如何呢?和来看看吧。 一、关于庆应义塾大学

Keio has a proud history as Japan's very first private institution of

higher learning, which dates back to the formation of a school for Dutch studies in 1858 in Edo (now Tokyo) by founder Yukichi Fukuzawa. Since the school's inception, the students of Keio have risen to the forefront of innovation in every imaginable academic field, emerging as social and economic leaders. In today's internationally interdependent world, Keio places great effort upon maintaining the finest teaching faculty and superlative facilities. Building on the knowledge and experience of their predecessors, today's Keio students strive to develop the leadership qualities.

庆应义塾大学是日本最早创办的私立高等学府,有引以为傲的历史。其历史可追溯到1858年。1858年,福泽谕吉在江户(东京旧称)购地开办兰学塾又名福泽屋。这是一所专门研究荷兰的学校,也是庆应义塾大学的开始。自创立并招生以来,学校已培养出了各个学术领域的学生。他们走在创新前沿,引领着社会和经济的发展。今天,面对日益国际化的相互依存的世界,庆应义塾大学将重点放在最优教职人员和尖端设施的维护上。今天,庆应义塾大学的学生借鉴前辈的知识和经验,努力培养自己的领导品质。 Faculty staff and students (by QS) In total3905In total33500In

total2178International261Postgraduate14%Postgraduate48% Undergraduate86%Undergraduate52% 师生人数(QS提供)


本科生占比86%本科生占比52% 二、庆应义塾大学的历史

Keio’s Evolution Over the Years 1863Fukuzawa's

school switches its focus to English studies.1868Fukuzawa's school renamed after the Keio Era.1871Keio University moves to Mita.1874Keio

Yochisha Elementary School established.1890Keio University establishes a college.1898Keio

becomes a comprehensive educational institution with college, secondary and elementary schools.1899Keio

becomes Japan's first private university to send students abroad: four to Germany, two to the United States.1906Graduate programs established.1917Original

School of Medicine established.1918Original

Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care established.1920Keio

University accredited by the Japanese government as one of the first private universities.

Shinanomachi Campus opens.1934Hiyoshi Campus opens.1944Fujiwara

Institute of Technology donated to Keio University and becomes the Faculty of Engineering.1949New

university system established. (Faculties of Letters, Economics, Law and Engineering)1951Graduate

Schools under the new educational system established. (Graduate Schools of Letters, Economics, Law, Human Relations and Engineering)1956Graduate School of Medicine established.1957Faculty

of Business and Commerce established.1961Graduate School of Business and Commerce established.1962Keio Business School established.1978Graduate

School of Business Administration established.1981Faculty

of Engineering is reorganized and expanded as the Faculty of Science and Technology.1985Graduate

School of Science and Technology established.1990Shonan

Fujisawa Campus opens with two new faculties, Policy Management and

Environmental Information (renamed Faculty of Environment and Information Studies in 2007).Keio

Academy of New York established, providing high school education in the U.S.1992Keio

Shonan Fujisawa Junior and Senior High School established.1994Graduate School of Media and Governance established.2001Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care established.2004Law School established.2005Graduate

School of Health Management established.2008Faculty

of Pharmacy and Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences established as a result of a merger with Kyoritsu University of Pharmacy.Graduate

School of System Design and Management and Graduate School of Media Design


Yokohama Elementary School established.2015125th

Anniversary since the Establishment of the First University Departments



