三一文库(www.31doc.com)/小学六年级 〔小学生六年级英语阅读范文带翻译〕 以下是为大家整理的关于小学生六年级英语阅读范文带翻译的文章,供大家学习参考! 有一天,Clifford的爸爸决定教他一些本领:挖洞、怎样从垃圾箱里找到有趣的东西。可是邻居们好象都不喜欢,他们只好作罢。正在那时,一辆摩托车疾驰而过。奇怪的是,爸爸跟在后面拼命的追。为什么呢?快看故事吧!本文适合小学六年级学生阅读。 1. One day, Clifford misses his Dad. He runs as fast as he can to see his Dad. 一天,Clifford想他的爸爸了。于是他一路尽可能快地飞奔去看他爸爸了。 2. His Dad is so happy to see Clifford again. He still thinks of Clifford as a puppy. He says, "My boy, let me teach you some skills!" 第 1 页 共 3 页 Clifford的爸爸很高兴能再见到儿子。他还是把Clifford当成小孩儿。他说:“宝贝儿,我来教你些本事吧!” 3. Clifford's Dad is a good digger. He shows Clifford how to dig a hole. Clifford的爸爸可是刨洞高手呢。他展示给Clifford看如何刨洞。 4. Clifford digs a hole. His Dad says, "It's a nice hole!" But the neighbours don't like it. Clifford has to fill the hole up. Clifford很快学着也刨了个洞。他爸爸夸道:“嗯,干得不错!”可是邻居们可不这么认为。Clifford还得把这个洞给填补回去。 5. Next, Clifford's father shows him how to find interesting things in trash cans. 接下来,Clifford的爸爸又教他如何在垃圾筒里找好宝贝。 6. Clifford has a better way. But the neighbours don't like it, either. Clifford cleans up the mess. Clifford学得很快。可邻居们还是不喜欢他的这项技能。Clifford不得不再把翻得乱七八糟的垃圾给整理回去。 7. Just then, a motorcycle goes by. Clifford's Dad hates noisy motorcycles! He chases it. 就在这个时候,一辆摩托车从旁边经过。Clifford的老爸最 2 3 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8d9bfb0c8662caaedd3383c4bb4cf7ec4afeb6cf.html