throw翻译 "throw" 翻译成中文是 "抛"。 "throw" 可以有多种含义和用法,下面给出一些例句翻译,总字数大约700字。 1. She threw the ball to her friend.(她把球扔给了她的朋友。) 2. He threw the paper into the trash can.(他把纸扔进了垃圾桶。) 3. The athlete threw the javelin with great force.(这位运动员用巨大的力量投掷了标枪。) 4. The magician threw a fireball into the air.(魔术师把一个火球扔到空中。) 5. The angry protester threw a rock at the police.(愤怒的抗议者向警察扔了一块石头。) 6. She threw her arms around me and hugged me tightly.(她把双臂搂住我,紧紧地拥抱了我。) 7. He threw a surprise party for his wife's birthday.(他为妻子的生日举办了一个惊喜派对。) 8. The chef threw the pasta into the boiling water.(厨师把面条扔进沸水中。) 9. The quarterback threw a long pass to his teammate.(四分卫向队友传出一记长传。) 10. Don't throw your garbage on the ground, put it in the trash bin.(不要把垃圾扔到地上,放进垃圾箱里。) 11. The toddler threw a tantrum and started crying loudly.(幼儿发脾气,开始大声哭闹起来。) 12. She threw a surprise birthday party for her best friend.(她为她最好的朋友举办了一个惊喜生日派对。) 13. He threw the dice and rolled a six.(他投掷骰子,掷出了一个六点。) 14. The pitcher threw a curveball and struck out the batter.(投手投出了一个曲线球,使击球手三振出局。) 15. She threw her hat into the ring and decided to run for office.(她加入竞选阵营,决定参选。) 16. The angry customer threw her drink at the waiter in frustration.(愤怒的顾客失望地把她的饮料扔向了服务员。) 17. He threw himself into his work and ignored everything else.(他全身心地投入到工作中,忽略了其他一切。) 18. The cat mischievously threw a glass off the table.(调皮的猫把一个玻璃杯从桌子上摔了下来。) 19. The artist threw splashes of paint onto the canvas to create a unique masterpiece.(艺术家将颜料溅到画布上,创造出独特的杰作。) 20. The leader threw his support behind the new policy.(领导者全力支持新政策。) 以上例句展示了 "throw" 这个词的不同用法和含义,在不同场景中有着不同的翻译。不同的动作、对象和意图都会影响到 "throw" 的具体翻译。 本文来源: