本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 allowed only one child per family. But because male children are seen as more valuable, as well 演讲稿格式以及写作要求总结 Why there are so many bachelors in china? Singles' Day - the Chinese opposite of Valentines that's turned into a massive online shopping event - has been all over the news. It's a day when single people are supposed to buy themselves presents, or get them from their coupled-up friends. But there are sinister sociological reasons at play behind China's 'celebration' of single life. And the imbalance could have big consequences for the country. There were about 34 million men than women in China in 2013. Part of that is natural - usually there are 105 boys born for every 100 girls. But the Chinese gender ratio at birth is much more stark. It was 116 boys to 100 girls in 2012. The one child policy is largely to blame. Brought in to curb population expansion, the policy as more likely to support their parents in old age, some parents chose to have a son over a daughter. The result? Large numbers of surplus men who will likely never get married. In fact, one study has predicted that by 2030, 1 in 5 Chinese men in their 30s will never have married , while another states that 94% of unmarried people in China are men. Some parents are trying to find partners for their sons at physical markets, where people post personal ads detailing their characteristics, as well as their work and educational achievements. Traditionally China has seen high levels of marriage, usually among the young, but measures brought in by the o, as well as increased education and career opportunities for women have 1 / 3 meant marriages are happening later. 本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑 里收到的礼物。然而,在中国的光棍节背后还有这简单的社会学缘由, It's also traditional that women up - meaning they men from a 这也对中国社会产生了巨大的影响。 starts to overcome romance, higher socioeconomic bracket than themselves. So women at the top there's that China's marriage is increasingly materialistic. and men at the bottom find themselves alone. That's a big problem 2013年,中国男性比女性多出3400万,这种状况有自然的成因——in a society that still focuses on family life as the ideal. One 每诞生100个女孩会诞生105个男孩。但是中国的性别比率会更悬殊一study has even suggested a link between an imbalanced sex ratio and 点,2012年每100个女孩会诞生116个男孩。而这种现象的背后,很大growth in violent crime in the country. There's a huge number of 的一个缘由是方案生育政策。由于人口数量浩大,政策要求每个家庭只young, single Chinese people and Chinese businesses have tackled 能要一个孩子。 that aggressively. But Singles Day can't solve all the China's 但是由于男孩子对家里显得更为重要,在父母年迈时也看上去更能singles face. Indeed, it's it's causing even more , as men resort 照看他们,因此一些父母会有重男轻女的思想。结果呢?大量的男性可to increasingly risky lines of work to increase their chances of 能找不到配偶。实际上,一项调查猜测到2030年,20%的中国男性30几gaining money and thus a wife. And as capitalism 岁会还没结婚,另一个调查表明94%的未婚人士会是男性。 光棍节——中国的反情人节,现在已经成为了盛大的电子商务盛会。 在这一天,单身的人会给自己买礼物,或者从他们已经成双成对的伴侣那 2 / 3 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/8e9cf9c475a20029bd64783e0912a21614797f65.html