
时间:2022-08-16 00:08:20 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


Not just . . . but also Either . . . or This coupled with . . . or P95

not only . . . but also

as well as . . . / both . . . and . . . X is not the only . . . this together with . . .




Comparatively speaking, as a general rule, generally speaking, generally, comparatively, in general

In a sense, in one sense, to some extent, to a certain degree, in my opinion, to my mind, in my view, as for me, as far as I am concerned, from my point of view/standpoint/perspective, at an individual level,

In some cases, in some respects, on a larger scale, at a local level

To take the idea further, to take the above point to an extreme, putting the discussion in a wider context, following the same line of . . . , traditionally, unfortunately, obviously, practically speaking, undoubtedly, simplistically speaking, economically speaking, frankly speaking, in terms of, at the risk of sounding too cold, in a slightly cold calculation, at the risk of sounding too direct,

In a way


According to sth, on the basis of, based on, depending on, classified as, in the category of, belong to, fall into, be classed with, contain, consist of, comprise, include, make up, constitute, there be


In a not dissimilar way, have . . . in common, equally important, like, similarly, likewise, in the same way, both . . . and . . . , the same as


In illustration of, by way of examples, be an example of, for instance, as an example, as a case in point, similarly, as an illustration, for example, namely, that is, like, say


First of all, In the first place, initially, first and foremost, to begin with, to start with, first, in the second place, next, second, besides, furthermore, moreover, in addition, what’s more, beyond that, for one thing, for another, finally, supremely, eventually

Apart/aside from, and so on, and so forth 6Cause(理由)

Owing to, due to, on account of, as a result of/consequence of, because of Because, as, for, since 7Concession(让步)

Althougheven though . . ., granted that . . ., at the very worst, it is true . . .but, in spite of, still, all the same, even so, concession granted, naturally, nevertheless, however, but, yet,



More often than not, needless to say, above all, chiefly, especially, indeed, in fact, certainly, particularly(in particular), certainly, to be sure, actually, surely, most important of all, even worse 9result(结果)

As a consequence, for this, on that account, it follows that . . ., for this reason, therefore, accordingly, so, thus, consequently, hence, as a result


Lastly, in the last place, last of all, eventually, by and large, by doing so, at length, to sum up, in conclusion, on the whole, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, altogether, to summarize, in all, as has been said, in simpler terms, that is, in summary


In contrast, conversely, rather than, whereas, in sharp contrast, unlike, on the one hand, otherwise, on the other hand, on the contrary


In the second place, second, secondly, for another, also, too, thirdly, besides this, in addition to, furthermore, moreover, after that, in other words, in the same manner, what is more important, namely, as another example, besides, and then, equally important

二、同义词,反义词 1)表示“大”

Big < large < huge < vast < immense = enormous = tremendous = colossal Mammoth = gargantuan = gigantic(giant)


Small = little < tiny < petit < puny < miniature < minute < diminutive = microscopic 表示“足够”

Enough, available, adequate, sufficient 表示“不足”

Scarce, deficient, inadequate, lack of + n


Quite a lot of/a great many, numbers/thousands of, numerous, a large quantity/amount of, a great deal of, plenty of

3)表示“勇敢,无畏. . .

Brave < fearless < bold < courageous = valiant < gallant < heroic < valorous = lion-hearted = dauntless = audacious = adventurous =intrepid 4)表示“害怕,懦弱. . .

Afraid < fearful < cowardly = timid < weak-kneed < dastardly < pusillanimous 5)表示“高兴的”

Happy < pleased < satisfied < delighted < elated < gratified 表示“吸引”

Attracted by, charmed by, fascinated by 表示“沉迷”

Be absorbed in/immersed in, Be addicted to


Be keen on, be interested in 表“主动吸引”

Appeal to, suit ones appetite

6)表“抱怨,痛苦的. . .

Complain < gripe (about) < grouse < grumble < whine < bellyache < squawk = mutter Beef = weep < wail < lament < moan and groan 7)表示“真实的”

Real = true < actual < genuine = valid < authentic < legitimate


Fake < phony < artificial < counterfeit < mock < spurious < adulterated < bogus 9)表示“柔软的,顺从的”

Pliable = flexible = bending = pliant < responsive < relenting < malleable < tractable < yielding 10)表示“顽固的,顽强的”

Inflexible < unbending = rigid < stubborn < obstinate < immovable < bullheaded < adamant = unyielding < uncompromising < intransigent


Slim = slender < underweight < bony < frail Spare < slight < lean < delicate 12)表示“多的,肥的”

Full = fat = rich < stout < corpulent < obese < fleshy < beefy < plump roly-ploy < pudgy < chubby < portly < well-fed < thick-bodied < swollen


Noise < racket < din < loudness < clamor < clatter < uproar < tumult < hubbub < boisterousness < outcry < disturbance


Quiet < peace < silence < noiselessness < stillness < lull = hush


Beautiful < pretty = handsome < attractive < comely < pulchritudinous < personable < gorgeous(scenic) = ravishing = stunning


Ugly < horrible < hideous < repulsive < homely < revolting < gruesome unattractive


Active < spirited < lively < energetic < vigorous < dynamic < animated < vivacious < peppy < brisk < sprightly


Slow < inactive < sedentary < idle < indolent < torpid < slothful < lackadaisical < shiftless < languid < listless < lethargic < sluggish < droopy < comatose

