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若是现在不努力多学一点英语,到了高考时怎么破?以下是店铺给大家带来高考英语释义,以供参阅。 高考英语释义

College entrance examination 高考英语例句


He failed in the college entrance examination by carelessness. 2、恭贺你高考金榜题名。

Congratulations on your success in the national college entrance examination.


Give my best wishes to all the friends who took the examination.


The reform of college entrance examination influences basic education deeply.


The college entrance examinations are coming up soon. 6、他们为我能够在高考中取得成功付出了很多。

My parents have really done a lot for my success in the college entrance exam.


Like the national college entrance examination! 8、最难学的一点是做一个输的起的人。高考英语满分作文。 The hardest thing to learn is to be a good loser. 9、祝贺你在高考中金榜题名!

Congratulations on your success in the college entrance examination!


He got nervous again at the college entrance examination this year. 高考的双语例句

1. He got nervous again at the college entrance examination this year.


2. There is fierce competition in the college Entrance Examination.


3. After the college entrance examination in 1980, he enrolled himself in Beijing University.

1980高考, 他进了北京大学.

4. I'll take part in the College Entrance Examination tomorrow. 我明天要参加高考.

5. Do something about your English, or you'll fail the college entrance examination.

你的英语该加把劲了, 不然你高考会失败的.

6. After the entrance of waiting, I became the most harrowing time.


7. Traffic: the area of examination should keep free condition and quiet.

交通: 高考可以影响交通,考区范围一定要保持畅通和安静. 8. This footballer is a sportsman who likes to steal the show. 那些能够在高考赛场上抢风头的人一定是信心十足的.

9. Many people take the college entrance exam as an ending. 很多人把高考当作终点.

10. Families pull out all the stops to optimize their children's scores.


11. During national college entrance exams, test papers were translated into ethnic languages.

全国普通高考期间, 试卷被译成少数民族语言.

12. I passed the entrance examination after the restoration of the music college.


13. Master, can take part in a class of college entrance examinations.

掌握后, 可以参加高考一类考试.

14. The college entrance examination is like a sword of Damocles.

高考就像是一把达摩克里斯的利剑高悬的这些学生头上. 15. Hist each ers said he should sit for university. 他老师都说,他应该参加高考.
