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美利坚合众国(英语United States of America,缩写:USAUS ,中文简称:美国)是由华盛顿哥伦比亚特区、50个州、波多黎各自由邦和关岛等众多海外领土组成的联邦共和立宪制国家,以星条旗作为美国国旗,The Star-Spangled Banner》作为美国国歌,美国国徽主体为一只胸前带有盾形图案的白头海雕。

The United States of

America (English: United States of America, abbreviation: USA, US,Chinese referred to as: USA) is a federal constitutional republic country consists ofWashington DC, Columbia in 50 states, Puerto Rico and Guam and many overseas territories, to the stars and

stripes as America flag, "The Star-Spangled Banner" as Americaanthem, the main USA emblem for a chest with a shield shaped pattern of the bald eagle.

其本土位于北美洲中部,东临大西洋,西临太平洋,北面是加拿大,南部和墨西哥接壤。除阿拉斯加州和夏威夷州之外的48个州都位于美国本土。此外,美国在加勒比海和太平洋还拥有多处领土和岛屿。 The home is located in central North America, east to the Atlantic, West Pacific, north

ofCanada is, bordering south and Mexico. In addition to the 48 outside of Alaska and California in Hawaii are located in the America native. In addition, America in the Caribbean and the Pacific also has many territories and islands.


USA land area about 9629000 square kilometers, ranking third in the world or fourth (water area is different), a population of about 310000000 people, the number is third in the world,is a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic country, mainly white, but a large number of immigrants.


In the 13 colonies from British citizen since 1776, the establishment of a

national, colonial repissued "Declaration of independence". After war of independence, in 1783 and the Britishsigned the "Treaty of Paris", and recognized by the world. American constitution was passed in 1787. In 1791, after the bill of rights was approved, and the civil war, second world wars and civil rights activist efforts by review and correction, and then gradually extended to all Americans except white.

美国是世界最发达的资本主义国家,在两次世界大战中,美国和其他盟国取得胜利,经历数十年的冷战。 America is the world's most developed capitalist countries, in the two World War, USA and other allies to victory, after decades of the cold war.

在苏联解体后,美国成为目前唯一的超级大国,在经济、文化、工业等领域都处于全世界的领先地位。 After the breakup of the Soviet Union, American become a superpower only at present, are in a leading position in the world in economy, culture, industry and other fields.

中文名称美利坚合众国英文名称The United States of AmericaU.S. & U.S.A.)简 称美国所属洲北美洲 都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区主要城市纽约、洛杉矶、旧金山、芝加哥国庆日74日国 歌《星条旗》国

家代码USA官方语言通用英语,个别州通用西班牙语。货 币美元时 区西五区至西十区政治体制总统制共和制国家领袖贝拉克·奥巴马/约瑟夫·拜登/约翰·博纳/约翰·罗伯茨人口数量3.1525亿2013年)人口密34.2/平方公里(2013年)主要民族欧洲裔、拉丁美裔、非洲裔、亚裔主要宗教新教、天主教、摩门教、犹太教国土面积9,629,091km²(陆地915.9万)水域率19.52%GDP总计156847.5亿美元2012年)/国际汇率人均GDP49922美元(2012年)/国际汇率国际电话区号001国际域名缩写USAUS路通行靠右行驶主要高等学府哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、斯坦福大学人类发展指数0.937(极高,2013年)国家格言天佑国事 合众为一中央银行美国联邦储备系统(美联储)国花/国鸟玫瑰花/白头海雕名 人杰克逊、罗斯福、乔丹国家结构复合制中央集权制法律体系英美法系(普通法)现役军人数1,452,000(第2名)-2011年开国领袖乔治·

Chinese name of the United States of America English name The United States of America(U.S. & U.S.A.) simply called USA belongs to delta North America Washington special

zone,Losangeles city Columbia mainly New York, San Francisco, Chicago day in July 4th the country song "stars and stripes" national code USA official languages English, individual

states general spanish. Currency dollar presidential political system area west district to the west area ten Republic leader Barack Obama / Joseph Biden / John /

John Roberts Boehner,population 315250000 (2013) the population density of 34.2 people / sq km (2013) the main ethnic groups Euro African, Latin

American, African, Africa main religious Asian Protestant,Catholic, Jewish, the land area of 9629091km ² (land 9159000) water rate of 19.52%GDP$15684750000000 (2012) / international exchange rate per capita GDP49922 (2012) /international exchange and international telephone area

code 001 international domain name abbreviations USA, US Road on the right main universities - Harvard University, Yale University, Stanford University, human development index of

0.937 (high, 2013) National motto God save the state united as the Federal Reserve System America a central bank (the Federal Reserve) flower / bird rose / bald men Jackson, Roosevelt, Jordan state structurecomposite centralized system of Anglo American law system (common law) the servicemannumber 1452000 (second) - 2011 founding leader George
