以此为鉴的意思并造句 以此为鉴的意思并造句 以此为鉴是一个常见的汉语词汇,是什么意思呢?要怎么造句?以下是小编整理的以此为鉴的意思并造句,欢迎阅读。 【以此为鉴的意思】 说明这次犯了错误,或这件事是做错了,并从中学到什么经验 【以此为鉴造句】 Drawing a lesson from this, "Mao-line industry, " the success of the acquisition of these three listed companies, uncertain prospects. 本文剖析了交易安全制度的内涵,并以此为鉴对我国合同法中的交易安全制度进行了全面梳理和评价。 This paper defines the in tension of secure transaction and scans the institution of secure transaction of PRC contract law. 如果标本来路不明,就不能以此为鉴。 If the unknown sample, not a lesson. 这是足球史上第一次经纪人由于为了球员与俱乐部进行非法接触而被处罚,足联也希望借此事件让其他经纪人以此为鉴。 It is the first time an agent has had his licence suspended in connection with illegal approaches for players, and the Football Association hope the tough sentence will act as a deterrent to others. 结果表明:知道别人的答案,导致很多以此为鉴的判断产生。 Turns out that seeing others’ estimates led to a lot of second guessing. 在投票日之后的五个星期里,我以此为鉴,这也是美国独立以来所有复杂事件的'引鉴。 I’ve tried to make it my guide throughout this contest as it has guided america’s deliberations of all the complex issues of the past five weeks. 元搜索网站Kayak的IPO可能是近十年的旅游企业策略中最有意思的一个,而且该市场上的其它参与者也会以此为鉴。 An IPO for metasearch site Kayak would potentially be one of the most interesting corporate moves in travel for a decade, and a test case for others in its marketplace. 并希望以此为鉴,对当前探索民族地区手工技艺类非物质文化遗产的保护途径有所裨益。 And hope it have benefits to explore the protection means of manual skills of Intangible Cultural Heritage. 也许正是因为他自己有过不称职的老师,爱因斯坦才以此为鉴,成了一名伟大的师者。 Perhaps Einstein learned from his own experience with bad teachers in order to become a great one. 中国高校应以此为鉴进行具有我国特色的课程建设,来满足信息时代高等教育的需要。 Chinese universities should also construct courses on the Internet to meet the need of higher education in the age of information. 该教程既有自己的特色,同时也存在不足之处,以此为鉴可以进一步改进教材编写工作。 The article analyzes its essential features and points out some deficiencies in it in the hope of improving the compilation of new teaching materials. 以此为鉴,“茂业系”能否成功收购上述三家上市公司,前景未卜。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/966d83f59a8fcc22bcd126fff705cc1755275f3f.html