
时间:2024-01-13 22:26:31 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1. Why don't you...? / Why not ...?后接动词原形。如: Why don't you / Why not get him a book? 你为什么不给他买本书呢?

2. How about ...? / What about ...? 后接动名词(Ving)、名词或者代词宾格。如: How about / What about this blue scarf? 这条蓝色围巾怎么样?

3. You'd better (not) do sth. 意为你最好(不)做某事。如: You'd better take off your coat. It's too hot here. 你最好脱掉你的外套。这里太热了。

4. Let's ..., shall we? Let's后接动词原形,意为咱们……,好吗?,如: Let's go shopping, shall we? 我们去购物吧,好吗? 5. Shall we / I ...?,如: Shall we go boating? 我们去划船好吗?

6. Would you like ...? 后接名词(Ving)或动词不定式(to do),意为你们/你想……吗?,如:

Would you like to go shopping with me? 你愿意跟我一块儿去购物吗?

7. Would you please ...? 后接动词原形,意为请你……好吗?,如: Would you please turn down the radio? 请把收音机音量关小一点好吗? () 回答建议的表达方式: 1. 同意对方建议时,一般用:

Good idea. / Sounds good. 意为好主意。/听起来不错。 Yes, please. / I'd like / love to. 意为是的,请。/我很乐意。 Sure. / Of course. / Certainly. 意为当然。 No problem. 意为没问题。


Sorry, I can't. 意为对不起,我不行。

I'd love / like to, but ... 意为我很想,但是……” I'm afraid not. /I'm afraid cant.意为我恐怕不行。

练习: 一、选择

1.--______ come and join us?

--_______.But I have to meet my uncle at the airport.


A.Why not to;I think so B.Why not;I hope so

C.Why dont;Im very tired D.Why not you;I like it 2.--What about going swimming with me? --________,but I have a lot of homework to do. A. Id love to C.No,I wont

B.Yes,lets go D.It doesnt matter

3.--What about going out for a drink? --__________. A. It sounds good. C.No,I dont mind.

B. You may,if you like. D.Youre welcome.

4.--Could you please _______ me around? --______,I wont. A. dont follow;No C.not following;No

B. not to follow;Sorry D.not follow;Sorry

5.--Why _____ ______ to the water park this weekend? --Great. A. dont go B.not go C.dont you D.you go 二、填空

1. Please join the line.=Could you please _____ _____ _____? 2. Why don t we go for a picnic tomorrow? =Why _____ _____ for a picnic tomorrow? 3. Shall we go to the cinema this afternoon? = _____ _____ to the cinema this afternoon. = _____ _____ going to the cinema this afternoon.

