to ponder on an app douyin专八作文

时间:2022-07-27 14:48:16 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
to ponder on an app douyin专八作文

With the advent of the digital age and the popularity of smart phones, a video software began to be known by people and gradually occupied a wide market. Now Tiktok can be seen everywhere. It spreads rapidly among people in the form of short videos, and has become an inseparable thing for some people. Now people can be seen everywhere holding mobile phones, staring at Tiktok, laughing indiscriminately. Because they imitate Tiktok videos, violations of the law also occur from time to time. Many people use Tiktok to express all kinds of public opinions, and they can also misbehave through Tiktok. Tiktok has more and more negative effects, and some people blame it; Tiktok software has poisoned groups of young people, and strongly demands that Tiktok be prohibited. So, how does Tiktok affect teenagers? Should Tiktok be banned?

Some videos in Tiktok will cause great adverse effects, which will make many people indulge in false propaganda, and make many people misbehave and behave dissolutely. So from this point of view, I am more in favor of closing the platform of Tiktok.

There are two specific reasons for turning off Tiktok: first, because Tiktok is a public platform, many people use this

software to misbehave. Some people who want to be in the limelight send some novel and funny things on Tiktok to win people's attention, so that they can get attention, regardless of whether these will cause adverse effects. There are also people with special purposes who make all kinds of bad comments, and even endanger the safety of the public. But Tiktok didn't do the supervision and management, but added fuel to the flames.

Second, as an electronic product in the information age, Tiktok quickly spread all over the country and began to move towards the world. Because it has been widely promoted, many people believe in the content of Tiktok and begin to imitate it.

But think about it carefully, the fundamental intention of Tiktok may not be like this. Like other software, Tiktok wants to make people learn a lot of knowledge and ways of life through the charm of the network. As our audience, don't be confused by everything in Tiktok, don't indulge in electronic products, and it's the most important to grasp yourself. Under the condition of reasonable use, I can gain more knowledge and more Qi Qiao of life, which is the significance of the existence of Tiktok. Please make rational use of all resources around you, give yourself a clear sky in the future, create a good national

atmosphere, and make the society better. When everyone can exercise self-discipline and distinguish right from wrong, the prohibition of Tiktok is no longer a problem.
