英语猜谜活动总结 湖南省商业技术学院旅游英语教研室 为了进一步加强校园英语文化建设,丰富校园英语文化生活,营造积极向上的英语氛围,激发学生学英语的热情,我们在金秋9月开展了趣味盎然猜谜活动,旨在丰富学生英语课外知识,帮助他们了解中西方文化,进一步推进我校英语教学质量的提高。猜谜活动精选出40个英语字谜张贴在学校公告栏,谜语有难有易,涉及范围较广,充分考虑到了学生的兴趣和同学们的英语水平差异。在这一次活动中,学生们积极参与,共收到答卷58份,评出“猜谜能手”四名,并颁发荣誉证书。 本次英语猜谜活动丰富了全校师生的课余生活,给学生一个学以致用的机会。在猜谜活动中,学生丰富了英语词汇,锻炼了快速英语阅读能力,活跃了思维,感受了西方文化的博大精深,提高了学习英语的兴趣。本次活动体现了这样一个理念:英语教学不但可以在课堂进行,课外开展生动有趣的活动相当于饭后的水果,能补充有限的课堂时间无法涉及的英语知识和背景文化,使部分学生摆脱对英语厌烦心理,感受学习运用英语的乐趣和成就感,有利于提高学生学习英语的兴趣,有助于创建我校以外语为特色的独特的校园文化。 附:1.获奖学生名单 08高十,曾玲 08高十,段慧芝 09高五,张欢欢 09高五,胡阿芳 2.比赛试题: 英语字谜试题 1、It is all around us. We breathe it to stay alive. 2、What do you do when you want to know something? 3、It’s what people want when they ask a question. 4、It’s a round fruit with thin red or green skin. 5、It’s part of your body that’s between your shoulder and your head. 6、 It’s the name people call a very young child. 7、 It’s a round toy. It’s used in many games. 8、 It’s a small rubber bag. You blow air into it to make it big. 9、 It’s a long fruit with a yellow skin. 10、 It’s something that you sleep on. 11、 It’s something with two wheels that you can ride on. 12、 What do you do when you cut something with your teeth? 13、 It’s part of your body that you sit on. 14、 He is the boy that has the same parents as you. 15、It’s like a big car that carries a lot of people. 16、It’s a piece of furniture for one person to sit down on. 17、 It’s a piece of furniture for many people to sit down on. 18、 It’s a large animal that lives on a farm. The milk that people drink comes from it. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9a18ca0b581b6bd97f19eaf0.html