鼠标的英语单词 鼠标是计算机的一种输入设备,分有线和无线两种,也是计算机显示系统纵横坐标定位的指示器,因形似老鼠而得名“鼠标”。鼠标的使用是为了使计算机的操作更加简便快捷,来代替键盘那繁琐的指令。那么你知道是什么吗?下面来学习一下吧。 鼠标英语单词1: mouse 鼠标英语单词2: Cursor 鼠标的英语例句: 或者是作为其它设备的实体3D鼠标接口? A physical 3-D mouse interface for your devices? 这是一个简单的动画,当鼠标悬停在扇形图的某个扇区上时该扇区将弹出。 This is a simple animation that makes a slice of the pie pop out when it is moused over. 将鼠标光标移向菜单栏。 Move the mouse pointer to the menu bar. 此外,鼠标力学是少数几个可以使用生物测量学进行连续验证的领域之一。 In addition, mouse dynamics is one of the few fields where biometrics can be used for continuous authentication. 在信息时代,只需敲几下键盘,点几次鼠标,就能够获得大量信息。 In the Information Age, a wealth of knowledge is accessible with just a few keystrokes and mouse clicks. 提供位置座标的一种输入设备。例如鼠标器、图形输入板。 An input device that provides coordinates of a position.Example: A mouse, a tablet. 鼠标控制瞄准,鼠标左键攻击。 Mouse control aiming left mouse button attacks. 该部分鼠标教程能够使您了解如何单击鼠标。 This part of the mouse tutorial is about learning to click the mouse. 鼠标轮将轮和鼠标按钮的功能结合在了一起。 The mouse wheel combines the features of a wheel and a mouse button. 该鼠标工具把你的鼠标指针变成一个编辑程序的缩略图。 If you want to make more changes all the tools are thereat your fingertips. 单击鼠标左键并拖拽鼠标指针以选择你想要复制的文本。 Click and drag the mouse or cursor to select the text you want to copy. 一些人用鼠标垫来提高鼠标滚球的灵敏度。 Some people use a mousepad to improve traction for the mouse ball. 用鼠标拖动小人来移动,鼠标左键攻击。 Curs drag with the mouse to move the left mouse button attacks. 将鼠标指针放在可看见的徽标上,点击鼠标右键。 Position your mouse pointer over the visible logo and right mouse click. 要返回XO-1,在Sugar框架中单击,鼠标环境就返回到QEMU。 To return to the XO-1, click within the Sugar frame, and the mouse context returns to QEMU. 而且AWT Robot级别太低;它只知道如何单击鼠标按钮和按键。 And the AWT Robot is too low-level; it only knows how to click mouse buttons and press keys. 当您移动鼠标时按住Ctrl键不放,以嵌入工件的拷贝。 Hold down the Ctrl key when you release the mouse button to embed a copy of the artifact instead. 警报会发出新代码已可用的通知,只需单击鼠标就能安装更新。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9ddd60d1a4c30c22590102020740be1e640eccc2.html