关于jitter的小结ReturnToInnocence Phase-Noise 计算 Jitter 在IEEE标准(文献【6】)中,关于相位噪声等的定义: Phase fluctuations Ф(t): Instantaneous phase departure from a nominal phase. Phase spectrum SФ(f): One-sided spectral density of the phase fluctuations. Phase noise L(f): One-half of the phase spectrum SФ(f), 传统上,相位噪声也有下式的定义, 并且定义有 Phase-Jitter: 从 SФ(f) 的意义来看,它所对应的是 absolute jitter 对 Period-Jitter (Cycle-Jitter),有类似的表述: 同样,对 Long-Term jitter (K-Cycle jitter): (在文献【7】中有提到关于 TIE(Time Interval Error) 与相位噪声的关系,与 long-term jitter 类似) 关于积分中的 sin2 项的理解,可以参考文献【8】,基本上是考虑 Period-Jitter 对 absolute jitter 在离散域的一阶差分(first difference),z 域变换求幅度响应从而得到 sin2 项的 weighting。 类似的,关于 CyCle-to-Cycle jitter,也有: 上面的积分皆是由0到无穷,实际的积分常取下限频率 fL 和上限频率 fH (文献【9】),一般有提到下限频率选为10Hz (之前提到的 jitter 和 wander 的界限),上限频率一般由系统带宽来确定,也有提到选取为载波频率的一半或载波频率本身。 Reference: 【1】Tektronix: ‘Understanding and Characterizing Timing Jitter’ 【2】Ken Kundert, ‘Modeling and Simulation of Jitter in PLL Frequency Synthesizers’ 【3】Cadence Application Note: ‘Jitter Measurements Using SpectreRF Application Note’ 【4】John A. McNeill, ‘Jitter in Ring Oscillators’, IEEE JSSC Vol. 32, No. 6, June 1997 【5】Rick Poore, ‘Phase Noise and Jitter’ 【6】‘IEEE Standard Definitions of Physical Quantities for Fundamental Frequency and Time Metrology—Random Instabilities’ — IEEE Std 1139™-2008 【7】Scott W. Wedge, ‘Predicting PLL Phase Noise & Jitter with HspiceRF’ 【8】David C. Lee, ‘Analysis of Jitter in Phase-Locked Loops’, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – II: Analog and Digital Signal Processing, Vol. 49, No. 11, Nov 2002 【9】Silicon Laboratories Application Note: ‘Estimating Period Jitter From Phase Noise’ 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/9f7dd10e551252d380eb6294dd88d0d233d43ca9.html