
时间:2024-04-04 03:34:18 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1. 报答 2. A代替B 3. 对生活的态度 4. 高速 5. 在许多方面

6. 成为的牺牲此搭配要用to 7. 抵抗

8. 提前,在……之前 9. 骄傲

10. AB间的不平衡 11. 提供线索,让更加清晰 12. ……成比例 13. 用美元支付

14. 自由地,不受限制地做某事 15. 形成反差,对立 16. 犯罪行为 17. 做某事的能力 18. 保护不受伤害 19. 首先

20. 开始经常做某事 21. 平均

22. 视自己与……是同类 23. 成功做某事 24. 做某事的方法 25. 对奢侈品的需求

in return for substitute A for B attitude towards/to life at a quick speed in many respects become/fall victim to resistance to in advance of sth take pride in

imbalance between A and B cast/throw/shed light on sth in proportion to pay for sth in dollars be at liberty to be contrasted with commit an offence against ability to do sth defend sth from in the first place take to (doing) sth on average identify oneself with be successful at/in doing sth approach to doing sth demand for luxury goods

in return to substitute A with B attitude on life in a quick speed with many respects become/fall victim of resistance of at advance of sth take pride of imbalance of A and B cast/throw/shed light to sth in proportion with pay for sth with dollars be in liberty to be contrasted to commit an offence to ability of doing sth defend sth against at the first place take to do sth at average identify oneself to be successful on doing sth approach to do sth demand of luxury goods


1. busboy

2. American beauty 3. an apple of love 4. black tea 5. black art 6. black stranger 7. blue stocking 8. bring down the house 9. busybody 10. capital idea 11. catch sb flat-footed 12. China policy 13. Chinese dragon 14. coming of age 15. confidence man 16. criminal lawyer 17. crow's feet 18. dead president 19. drawing room 20. dressing room 21. dry goods 22. eat one's words 23. eleventh hour 24. English disease 25. familiar talk 26. fourth estate 27. free shipping 28. French chalk 29. full of beans 30. Greek gift 31. green hand 32. have a fit 33. heartman

✔餐馆勤杂工 红蔷薇

西红柿 红茶

✖公汽售票员 ✖美国美女 ✖爱情之果 ✖黑茶 ✖黑色艺术 ✖陌生的黑人 ✖蓝色长统袜 ✖推倒房子 ✖大忙人 ✖资本主义思想 ✖发现某人是扁平足 ✖中国政策 ✖中国龙 ✖时代来临 ✖自信的人 ✖犯罪的律师 ✖乌鸦脚 ✖死了的总统 ✖画室

“试衣室”或“更衣室” ✖“干货”(dry cargo ✖食言 ✖十一点 ✖英国病 ✖熟悉的谈话 ✖第四笔地产 ✖免费“偷渡” ✖法国粉笔 ✖到处都是豆子 ✖希腊礼物 ✖绿手 ✖试穿 ✖有心人

妖术 完全陌生的人 女学者、才女

博得全场喝彩;博得满堂喝彩 爱管闲事的人 好主意


对华政策 麒麟



刑事律师 眼角鱼尾纹







✔软骨病;英国式疾病 (多指佝偻病、支



记者或新闻界 免费邮寄;免运费


✔精力充沛;胡说八道 ✔害人的礼品 ✔新手

✔勃然大怒;大发脾气 ✔换心人;心脏移植者
