孤独的寂寞的英语 01、Lonely adj.孤独的,寂寞的,荒凉的,人迹罕至的 It describes a feeling of sadness stemming from isolation or abandonment. 它用来来形容一种因孤独或被遗弃而产生的悲伤情绪。 例句: The lonely old man was much to be pitied by all of us. 那位孤独的老人得到了我们大家的同情。 A person can bealonewithout feelinglonely, sincealonedescribes a state of being andlonelydescribes an emotional response to one’s circumstances. Most people don’t feel sad when they go to the bathroom by themselves, for instance. 一个人可以alone而不感到lonely,因为alone是一种状态,而lonely是对一个人处境的一种情感反应。例如,大多数人独自上厕所时并不感到悲伤。 02、Alone adj.单独的;孤独的;独自的 adv.独自地;单独地 It describes a single person or object, separate from others. One who is alone is by oneself. 它形容一个单独的人或物体,与其他个体分离的状态。如果一个人是alone的,就是说他/她只有自己。 例句: She went to the movies alone, because her friends talked too much. 她独自去看电影,因为她的朋友话太多了。 Pikachu realized that she was alone in the desert. 皮卡丘意识到沙漠里只有她一个人。 As you can see, a person can be alone in the sense that no other people are present, or alone in the sense that he or she is unaccompanied, even in a crowd. 一个人可以是其他人不在场的时候alone,也可以是没有人陪伴的时候alone,即使是在人群中。 03、总结一下 ❖ Alone describes a state of isolation or solitude when one is outside the company of others. Alone指一个人在没有其他人陪伴的情况下,处于一种孤立或孤独的状态 ❖ Lonely describes a feeling of sadness or abandonment. Lonely是一种悲伤或被遗弃的感觉。 Loneliness is often, but not always, a result of being alone. 孤独(Loneliness)往往是独处(alone)的结果,但也并不总是如此。 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a08111385bfafab069dc5022aaea998fcc2240a4.html