Unit 1 P74 1.我是北京大学外国语学院副教授。近日从网上得知,“第五届国际跨文化交流研讨会”将于 2016 年 3 月在牛津大学举办。我对参加这次会议非常感兴趣,因为我已从事这方面研究多年。 I'm an associate professor in the Foreign Languages College of Peking University. In recent days, I learned from the Internet that “The 5th International Symposium on Cross Cultural Communication” will be held in March 2016 in Oxford. I'm very much interested in attending this Symposium because I have been undertaking research on cross cultural communication for many years. 4. 我已接到论文被采用的通知和出席会议的正式邀请,并已于2月20日在网上正式注册参加会议,但至今尚未得到任何会议资料。烦请告知组委会联系人及email地址,以便我们联系与会的具体事宜。 I have received the Acknowledgement of Acceptance for my paper and the official invitation to attend the conference, and registered online on February 20. However, I have not received any conference material. Please kindly let us know the organizing committee contact and email address so that we could contact for detailed information. 5. 感谢您对此事的关照。如能早日得到您的答复,我们将不胜感激。 Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. Your early reply will be greatly appreciated. (We should be very much obliged if you could reply to us at your earliest convenience.) Unit II P97 2. 现以Word文档附件发去由刘南京和张苏撰写的两篇论文《文化研究:西方与中国》(liu.doc)和《中国比较文学与多元文化对话》(zhang.doc)。我们希望前一篇能被安排在分组会上宣读,而另一篇在张贴会议中展示。 Word document attachments are two papers entitled “Cultural Studies: The West and China” (liu.doc) by Liu Nanjing and "China's Comparative Literature and Multi-cultural Dialogue" (zhang.doc) by Zhang Su. We hope that the former can be orally presented at the group meeting and the other can be displayed in the poster session. 3. 我已在网上提交了我的论文文摘,希望我的论文能被论文委员会录用,我在宣读方式上没有特别的要求。 I have submitted the abstract of my paper online, and I hope my paper can be accepted by the paper committee. I have no special requirements on how to read it. 4. 我们利用EPS2003主页的“论文提交功能”向大会提交了冯丽等人撰写的题为《中国荒漠化治理的模式与制度创新》的论文。希望早日告知我们是否可以得到会议的邀请。 We have submitted on EPS2003 homepage the paper entitled “China’s pattern of desertification controlling and institutional innovation” by Feng Li and others. We look forward to receiving an invitation to the meeting as soon as possible. Unit III P 107 2. 我是中国贵州师范大学教育学系讲师,属于欠发达地区青年教师代表,根据有关规定似可优先申请由贵基金会资助的国际研讨会。希望您能尽早把资助申请表发到我的邮箱。 I am a lecturer in the Department of Education, Guizhou Normal University, China, belonging to representatives of young (college) teachers in underdeveloped areas. According to relevant regulations, it seems that I have priority of applying for attending the international symposia supported by your foundation. I hope you can send the application form for financial assistance to my mailbox at your earliest convenience. 6. 随信寄上两份论文摘要和一份个人简历,请查收。请便中告知我是否有资格申请大会的资助。 Enclosed please find two copies of the abstract of my paper and a resume. Please inform me at your convenience if I am qualified to apply for financial aid from the Conference. Unit V P127 6、非常感谢贵方11月12日来函邀请我出席2013年10月22-26日在伦敦大学举行的“电脑与社会发展研讨会”。十分抱歉的是,由于我已同意出席并主持明年十月底在北京召开的一个会议,恐不能应邀与会。失去与您和其他许多计算机科学界同行见面的机会,深感遗憾。 Many thanks for your letter of Nov. 12, inviting me to attend the “Seminar on Computer and Social Development” to be held in London University, from Oct. 22 to 26, 2013. Much to my regret, I shall not be able to honor the invitation because I have agreed to attend and preside over a meeting to be held in Beijing at the end of October next year. I feel sorry to miss the opportunity of meeting you and many other counterparts in the field of computer science. 9、我曾在世界各地参加过许多学术会议,而此次伦敦之行给我留下了非常美好的回忆。在贵实验室的一个小时的参观活动,使我了解了你们的研究设备、最新研究成果和下一步工作计划。希望我们以后能在资源共享、合作研究、联合培养博士生等方面寻求更多合作途径。 I once participated in many academic conferences around the world, but this trip to London left me very good memories. The one hour visit to your laboratory made me know your research equipment, your latest research achievements and your work plan for the next step. We hope that we could seek more ways of cooperation in the sharing of resources, future research and joint training of doctoral students. 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a0f9ec2f01020740be1e650e52ea551811a6c95b.html