
时间:2022-08-04 10:00:15 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载


1.__________2.__________3.__________4.__________5.__________6._________7.__________8._______9.________10.__________11.合作伙伴_________12.速度__________13.能力__________14.大脑_________15.注意力__________16.知识__________ v.动词

1.发现,发觉__________2.重复__________3.发音__________4.增加,增长__________5.出生;天生的(v.&adj.) __________6.创造,创建__________7.使…连接__________8.复习__________


1.耐心的__________2.积极的__________ adv.副词

1. 大声地__________2.明智地__________


1提高,提升(技巧,能力)__________2.发展,养成__________3.明白,理解__________4.准备__________ 词组

1.通过向老师寻求帮助by asking the teacher for help 2.通过听磁带by listening to tapes

3.通过写英语日记by keeping a diary in English 4.和朋友交谈have conversations with friends 5.和朋友交流 communicate with friends

6.大声朗读来练习发音read aloud to practice pronunciation 7. …的秘诀the secret to/of…

8.在字典中查找它look it up in the dictionary 9.犯语法错误make grammar mistakes 10.英语口语spoken English

11提高我的说话技巧 improve my speaking skills 12.提高你的阅读速度increase your reading speed

13.天生具有做某事的能力be born with the ability to do sth. 14.注意做某事pay attention to doing sth.

15.把他们需要学的东西和有趣的东西连接起来connect what they need to learn with something interesting

16.明智地学习learn wisely 17.对…耐心be patient with

18.发现学英语困难find it difficult to learn English 19.取决于depend on 20.读意群read word groups 21.make a sentence造句

22..积极参加take an active part in

23.用那种方式学到了很多 learn a lot that way

24.一个与之练习英语的同伴 a partner to practice English with 25.熟能生巧 practice makes perfect


1.有共同之处have something in common 2.找出,查明find out

3.完成做某事finish doing sth. 4.从错误中汲取教训learn from mistakes 5.向某人解释某事explain sth. to sb. 6.为…做准备prepare for… 7.爱上fall in love with 8.练习做某事practice doing sth.

9.对…感兴趣be interested in=take an interest in 10即使even if/though 11再次over and over again 12因为because of 13变得无聊 get bored

14.做…怎么样 how/what about doing sth. 15.害怕犯错 be afraid of making mistakes


一、 通过做某事by doing


Eg. study English by working with groups 通过小组合作来学习英语 1.通过写英语日记来提高它___________________

2.通过读一些你喜欢的东西来提高你的阅速度_______________________________ 二、除非unless

unless=if not 引导条件状语从句,

Eg. You will forget it unless you use it. 除非你用它,否则你会忘记 1.-Why do you advice me to play the game so much?

-Because its very interesting. You ____________________________________ (除非你亲自玩这个游戏,不然你不会爱上它) (unless)

2.-_________________________________________(你如果不努力就不能通过考试) -I see.Ill try my best. (unless) 三、越…越… the+比较级…,the+比较级…

Eg. The more you read, the faster youll be. 你读得越多,你就会越快。 1. -I think exercising is a good way to keep healthy. -I agree. I believe_________________________ (我们越锻炼,我们就会越健康) exercise 2. -How can I get good scores?

-_____________________________________ (你越细心,你犯得错误就越少) make 四、sothat&so that

so+adj./adv.+that从句 如此…以至于… so that+从句 以便,这样一来(表目的)

Eg. The teacher spoke so quickly that I cant understand her.老师说得太快以至于我听不懂

I want to learn new words so that I can have a better understanding of English movies.我想学习新单词这样我能更好地理解英文电影。 1. -Im always late for school. What should I do? ----I think ______________________________ (你最好早点起床这样你不会被老师惩罚) (get) 2. -Did you used to be a shy boy, John?

------Yes.I____________________________________ ()(make)

五、whether or not

Eg. Whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. 你是否学得好取决于你的学习习惯。

1.-What does the teacher say?

-Whether_________________________________ (我们是否去爬山取决于明天的天气) depend



1. -I_________________________________(没有注意听老师说的话) . -It doesnt matter. There was nothing important. (pay)

2. My English is so poor, I dont know what to do. Can you give me some advice? (ask) -You can ____________________________________ (你可以通过向老师请教学习方法来提高你的英语) 3. -The busy road is a danger to small children, isnt it? -Yes, while crossing the road, they________ ____________________________

(常被告诫注意红绿灯)by the police. warn 4. -What did the teacher say just now? -She said_________________________________

(运动会是否举行取决于明天的天气) depend 5. -Why are late for class?

---Im sorry, I ______________________________ (起床太晚以至于没有赶上早班车)(fail). 二、综合填词(10分)

A little bird lived in a beautiful fruit tree. He lived there for a long time. He and the tree were good f__1__.

One year, the rainy season (雨季) did not bring enough water to the fruit tree. When the dry season came, the fruit tree began to die (枯萎).

One day, an old bird came and sat on the tree. He saw the little bird was not h__2_ and asked him why. After hearing the little bird’s story, he a__3__, “Why don’t you find a__4__ tree to live in?”

“I do not want to l__5__ my friend,” the little bird said. The old bird said, “Well then, are you just going to sit there and do nothing to help your friend? What does your friend n__6__?” The little bird t 7 about the old bird’s words. And he knew he could do s___8____ to help his friend. He f___9___ to the river and brought water to the fruit tree day after day. Soon, the tree t___10___green again.

1.__________2.________3.________4._________ 5._________6.__________7.________8.________ 9._________10._________
