the clever woman读后感100词

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the clever woman读后感100


the clever woman》告诉我们:1.不要在流泪的时候做任何决定。当你心情消极时,你说话越少越好。2.不要反复思考同一个问题。不要把你所有的感情都放在一个人身上。你还有父母和其他朋友。3.不要害怕做错事。即使你错了,你也不必难过。生活是对的和错的,更不用说很多事情了。回首往事,对与错并不重要。4.有消极情绪是正常的,但你必须知道这只是生活的一小部分。在剩下的时间里,试着稳定你的情绪。5.对方突然不联系你是正常的;那个人突然再次联系你是正常的,这并不意味着什么。6.如果你不明白,就说出来。如果你明白了,就别说了,微笑吧。7.所有的麻烦都是自己造成的,所以你只能自己解决。不要向你的朋友哭泣,让他们玩。8.照你说的做。即使很愚蠢,愚蠢也比违背诺言要好。9.论发生什么事,都不要打破原有的生活规则。按时吃饭睡觉。10.不要害怕做某事,不要害怕触摸场景,不要害怕说错话,不要害怕想起过去


"The clever woman" tells us: don't make any decisions when you are in tears. The less you talk when you are in a negative mood, the better. 2. Don't think about the same problem over and over again. Don't put all your feelings on one person. You still have parents and other friends. 3. Don't be afraid to do something wrong. Even if you are wrong, you don't have to be upset. Life is right and wrong, not to mention many things. Looking back, right and wrong don't matter. 4. It's normal to have negative emotions, but you must know that this is only a small part of life. In the rest of the time, try to stabilize your emotions. 5. It's normal that the person doesn't contact you suddenly; It's normal for that person to contact you again suddenly, which doesn't mean anything. 6. If you don't understand, say it. If you understand, don't say it and just smile. 7. All troubles are self inflicted, so you can only solve them yourself. Don't cry to your friends and ask them to play. 8. Do what you say. Even if it's stupid, it's better to be stupid than to break your promise. 9. No matter what happens, don't break the original rules of life. Eat and sleep on time. 10. Don't be afraid to do something, don't be afraid to touch the scene, don't be afraid to say the wrong words, don't be afraid to think of the past
