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【期刊名称】《江苏科技信息》 【年(),期】2016(0)4

【摘 要】PPP模式作为一种新型的政府与社会资本的合作模式,对PPP模式具体实施阶段的研究较少。根据以往BOTPFI模式下应用代建制的经验,文章提出PPP模式下实行代建制项目的现实性。从PPP项目与代建单位之间均为风险规避的假设出发,构建委托代理模型。揭示了在非对称信息下为实现PPP项目效用的最大化,外部风险,代建单位能力、寻租成本、双方风险规避程度等因素与激励程度的关系,为制定合理的支付合同提供参考。%As a new mode of cooperation between government and social capital, the PPP model is less implemented in the specific stage Based on the experience of the

application of agent construction system in BOT or PFI mode, the reality of the implementation of agent construction project in PPP mode is proposed. Based on the principal-agent model constructed from the assumption of risk aversion, the paper provide a reference for the development of a reasonable payment contract by revealing the maximization of the utility of PPP project under asymmetric information, and the relationship between the external risk, the ability of agent construction unit, the cost of rent-seeking, the degree of risk aversion and the degree of incentive. 【总页数】3(P65-67)

【作 者】朱仪

【作者单位】中南林业科技大学土木工程与力学学院,湖南长沙 410018 【正文语种】 【相关文献】

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