四川省普通高中毕业证书中英对照模板 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN 四川省普通高中毕业证书 Diploma of Ordinary Senior High School in Sichuan Province (XXX年)毕字第XXX号 (XXX) BZ No. XXXX 学籍号:XXXXXX Student Status No.: XXXXXX 四川省教育厅 普通高中会考 专用章(章) Special Seal of Joint Examination for Ordinary Senior High School of the Education Department 学生XX,性别X,年龄XX岁,系四川省(直辖市、自治区)内江市(州)威远县(市、区)人,于二OXX年X月在本校高中20XX级X班修业期满,经考核,德、智、体等方面合格,准予毕业。 This is to certify that the student XX, female,born in Weiyuan County, Neijiang City, Sichuan Province, has accomplished all courses of the senior high school from Class XX, Grade 20XX of our school in Jun. 20XX. She is found to be qualified in morality, intelligence and physique, etc. and hereby awarded this Diploma. School (Seal): 成都市第十八中学(章) Schoolmaster (Seal): XXXX 二OXX年XX月XX日 2 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/doc/a801e6afac02de80d4d8d15abe23482fb5da021b.html