Various studies have shown that increased spending on education has not led to measurable improvements in learning. 各种研究表明,教育投入的增加并没有带来学习成绩的显著提高。Between 1980 and 2008, staff and teachers at US public schools grew roughly twice as fast as students. 1980年到2008年之间,美国公立学校教职员工数量的增长速度大约是学生的两倍。 Yet students showed no additional learning in achievement tests. 然而在成就测试中,学生并没有表现出额外的成就。 Universities show similar trends of increased administration personnel and costs without greater learning, as documented in Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa’s recent book Academically Adrift: Limited Learning on College Campuses. 正如Richard Arum和Josipa Roksa合著的新书《学海漂泊: 大学教育的局限性》中记录的那样,大学也有类似的趋势,即行政人员数量和教育成本增加,学习效果却不见提高。 A survey shows that 63% of employers say that recent college graduates don’t have the skills they need to succeed and 25% of employers say that entry level writing skills are lacking. 一项调查表明,63%的雇主认为最近毕业的大学生不具备获得成功所需的技能,25%的雇主认为毕业生缺乏初级的写作技巧。 Some simplistically attribute the decline in our public education system to the drain of skilled students by private schools, but far more significant events were at work. 一些人单纯地把公共教育体系的衰落归因于私立学校挖走了有才能的学生,但是还有更重要的因素在起作用。 Public schools worked well until about the 1970s. 直到大约20世纪70年代,公立学校运行得都不错。 In fact, until that time, public schools provided far better education than private ones. 事实上,直到那时,公立学校比私立学校提供的教育要好得多。 It was the underperforming students who were thrown out of public schools and went to private ones. 那些表现欠佳的学生才会被赶出公立学校,去上私立学校。 A prominent reason public schools did well was that many highly qualified women had few options for working outside the house other than being teachers or nurses. 公立学校过去运行良好的一个重要原因是,除了当老师或护士之外,许多高素质的女性在外工作没有太多选择。 They accepted relatively low pay, difficult working conditions, and gave their very best. 她们接受了相对较低的工资,艰难的工作环境,却付出了最大的努力。 Having such a large supply of talented women teachers meant that society could pay less for their services. 拥有数量如此之多的才华横溢的女性教师意味着社会可以为她们的服务少付薪水。 Women’s liberation opened up new professional opportunities for women, and, over time, some of the best left teaching as a career option, bringing about a gradual decline in the quality of schooling. 女性解放运动为女性开辟了新的职业机会,随着时间的推移,一些最优秀的女性教师离开教学岗位,这导致教育质量的逐渐下滑。 Also around that time, regulations, government, and unions came to dictate pay, prevent adjustments, and introduce bureaucratic(官僚的)standard for advancement. 另外,在那个时期,各种规章制度、政府和工会都横插一脚,规定工资、阻止变革、引入晋升的官僚标准。 Large education bureaucracies and unions came to dominate the landscape, confusing activity with achievement. 大的教育官僚机构和工会开始主导大局,将活动和成就相混淆。 Bureaucrats regularly rewrite curriculums, talk nonsense about theories of education, and require ever more administrators. 官僚们定期改写课程,对教育理论胡说八道,还不断要求增加行政人员。 The end result has been that, after all the spending, students have worse math and reading skills than both their foreign peers and earlier generations spending far less on education—as all the accumulating 本文来源: