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n. 蚂蚁( ant的名词复数 ); 焦躁不安,坐立不安; ants英语例句

1. Out of beams and cracks came troops of beetles, ants and spiders.

从横梁上和裂缝里爬出来了一群群甲虫、蚂蚁和蜘蛛。 2. Some ants can give you a nasty nip. 一些蚂蚁会咬得你很疼。

3. The kitchen was infested with ants. 厨房里到处是蚂蚁。

4. The industry of these little ants is wonderful to behold. 这些小蚂蚁辛勤劳动的样子看上去真令人惊叹.

5. The root of this dead tree has been gnawed away by ants. 这棵死树根被蚂蚁唼了.

6. Some ants eject formic acid when irritated. 有些蚂蚁受到刺激时会排出蚁酸. 7. This is an ants'nest. 这是一个蚁穴.

8. The lawn was crawling with ants. 草坪上爬满了蚂蚁.

9. A swarm of ants are moving busily. 一群蚂蚁正在忙碌地搬家.

10. Some scientists attribute intelligence to ants. 有些科学家认为蚂蚁有智力.

11. They make experiments with ants. 他们用蚂蚁做实验.

12. Ants store up food against the winter. 蚂蚁储存食物以防冬令. 13. Ants and flies are insects. 蚂蚁和苍蝇都是昆虫.

14. Ants swarmed up out of the ground and covered her shoes and legs.


15. She had ants in her pants ever since she won that ticket to Bermuda.

她自从赢得那张前往百慕大的机票后一直急于启程. 蚂蚁的双语例句

1. Out of beams and cracks came troops of beetles, ants and spiders.

从横梁上和裂缝里爬出来了一群群甲虫、蚂蚁和蜘蛛。 2. Some ants can give you a nasty nip. 一些蚂蚁会咬得你很疼。

3. The kitchen was infested with ants. 厨房里到处是蚂蚁。

4. The industry of these little ants is wonderful to behold. 这些小蚂蚁辛勤劳动的样子看上去真令人惊叹.

5. The root of this dead tree has been gnawed away by ants. 这棵死树根被蚂蚁唼了.

6. Some ants eject formic acid when irritated. 有些蚂蚁受到刺激时会排出蚁酸. 7. The lawn was crawling with ants. 草坪上爬满了蚂蚁.

8. A swarm of ants are moving busily. 一群蚂蚁正在忙碌地搬家.
